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Hello patrons, I hope you're having a great day! I mentioned in the last update that I was planning on recording a gameplay video -- well, there's been a slight change of plans. I picked Pilotwings 64 to record, and actually got a good ways through a recording session. While recording, I discussed some of the history of the game and realized that the subject would be much better covered in a scripted video. I decided to switch gears and make a quick scripted video, specifically on Pilotwings 64's history with Paradigm Simulations and flight simulators! 

No early release this time, since it was such a spur of the moment idea. However, the Patreon Exclusive video is nearly here! It's pretty substantial in length and I tried to pack a lot of information in, so I hope it will be worth the wait! As always, thank you so much for your incredible support! It's always appreciated. :)

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Pilotwings 64's Flight Sim Connection | Museum Mini

Today we're taking a quick look into Pilotwings 64's development, its codeveloper Paradigm Simulation/Entertainment, and Paradigm's experience with professional flight simulators! • Video and Information Sources • https://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php/news_product_index.php?story=10220 https://web.archive.org/web/20111008032740/http://corporate.atari.com/uk/download/pr/corporate/event_paradigm_290600.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20090226202833/http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6200527.html https://youtu.be/kaFFJSZg510 https://youtu.be/tm8VTZ2fyos https://youtu.be/d1RfVHK3Vt8 https://youtu.be/TYqJALPVn0Y https://youtu.be/OZ7rVETzIwc https://youtu.be/OZ7rVETzIwc • Social Media • Twitter - https://twitter.com/TGameMuseum • Support the Channel on Patreon! • https://patreon.com/tannersgamemuseum #Nintendo64 #Pilotwings #tannersgamemuseum


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