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Evening folks, I hope you're doing well today!

This is a quick update about the next video coming to the channel! The topic this time around will be PlayStation Demo Discs. Demos have in many ways become a thing of the past, at least in the form they once took. Some of my earliest memories with video games revolve around trying all sorts of PS1 games through demos, many of which became some of my favorite games on the platform once I had the chance to try the full thing. The video will cover the history of demos (with a focus on those for the PS1) and we'll be taking a look at the two demo discs I had as a kid--one from a PlayStation magazine and the other created for a Pizza Hut promotion. Definitely some interesting stuff in both of these, including a promo video for the magazine full of 90's CGI deep in the uncanny valley. 

The agenda for tomorrow will be shooting B-roll and getting gameplay footage ready for the final edit. I'll make sure to share a few photos from the B-roll shots here tomorrow! If you wanted to see my childhood PS1 and a couple of weird demo discs, you've come to the right place! 

Until tomorrow, take care! Thank you so much for your support, as always. You're helping the channel grow. :)

- Tanner


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