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Author and editor Mary Harrington stops by to talk about her new book Feminism Against Progress.



I'd buy Anna's bath water.


I feel like Dasha is really struggling to not copy her accent w her wonderful autistic echolalia


great episode and love a good mumsnet shoutout. only gripe is that the guest wouldn’t take breath long enough to let the ladies speak!


No - we know what the ladies think. I think the ladies did a great interview actually. Kept her on track and asked good questions. Could have pushed back a bit when she stopped making sense…


Interesting guest. Will read the book - but found some claims a bit peculiar. How would “banning the pill” lead to better social stability / more marriage? The sections of society with the lowest marriage rates also have the highest rates of teen pregnancy and women as dole parents if several children with different dads. The people getting married and staying married, with low rates of kids out of wedlock are the wealthy. The idea that women getting pregnant easily encourages marriage and men to stick around is demonstrably untrue. But maybe misunderstood the argument??? Women getting knocked up easily has never been good for women and children historically. Plenty of women and kids living in poverty.




To learn more about that goat testicle man, check out Penny Lane’s NUTS!!


Someone recently showed me r/regretfulparents and I haven’t been able to open Reddit since

Steve Ray

For even more inspiration and insights about The Wizard of Milford, read "The Life of a Man: A Biography of John R. Brinkley."


what’s going on with the subreddit? it’s been going downhill for a while but man they absolutely hated this one. lots of seething and trans people just want to exist takes.

Emilia Tessaro

Unsure how this woman’s experience of motherhood is feminism. It seems traditional. The sexual/technological revolution didn’t change the physical labour involved in care, the 1-2 years where mom and baby are basically inseparable. Feel like romanticising motherhood as divine sacrifice and blessed biology is just sugar coating inherent vulnerability. Anyways good guest- shes obviously a Miranda (I very much support Dasha’s attempt to substantiate Sex and the City as a universal classification system)


Please (1a) bring back that Croatian guy, way more fun or (1b) do a seance with the ghost of Andrea Dworkin. Anna should use her Jordan Peterson voice for the whole episode or alternate between that and her mom’s. Please.


Loved her and this ep, really thoughtful