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The ladies discuss the Roe v Wade overturn leak, the Elon Musk boycott campaign, and the Vatican getting into the NFT game.



Plenty of living things shouldn't have a right to life. The presence of a human genome is also a superficial place to draw the line for a right to life. Lots of non-human living things deserve consideration with regards to their own desire for self-preservation. Rights, granted legally or otherwise, are a sort of consideration given to guarantee freedom. Freedom implies conscious choice. So the important distinction around whether a living thing can benefit from a right to life is whether it can choose life. To make a conscious choice requires the capacity to form opinions. That level of consciousness doesn't develop until after birth (admittedly there is some neurobiology debate around that). So why not let birth be the cutoff to qualify for a right to life? At least then the life can depend on a willing person other than the mother. Asking whether a fetus would rather live or die is like asking if it may be in the interest of my appendix not to be excised; the question is nonsensical to begin with. What we're talking about in the abortion debate isn't a right to life for the unborn but instead a compulsion to life. It's only wrong as a rule to kill someone who has lost consciousness because the rest of us (born humans at least) don't want to live in fear of being murdered in our sleep or if we're intoxicated or in a coma (and even then the ethics around killing someone in a coma can get fuzzy).


Youre right but your little photo being an anime cat person with two toned hair wearing a police uniform makes me want to disagree with you


Sex is for procreation not pleasure!!!


'It's only wrong as a rule to kill someone who has lost consciousness because the rest of us (born humans at least) don't want to live in fear of being murdered in our sleep' Uh... nah.