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The ladies review Kanye's Donda back to back with Drake's Certified Lover Boy. Plus, we cover the Texas abortion law, the developing ivermectin discourse, and the Buttigieg baby announcement. 





God bless


What a tease


praise god


donda donda donda donda donda donda


Extended ep yas gawd


she say she a lesbian i said girr’ me too


My favourite sense making organs are back!


thank god i just got diagnosed with DELTA and was about 2 off myself if y'all didn't post soon


first thought was “jfc that took forever” second thought was “jfc I’m actually pathetic”


I don’t think anyone actually minds when the episodes are posted or how long they are.


I couldn't get thru Drake either, cause all he does is bitch and moan , he does have NOTHING to complain about, so right on for agreeing with me :) I haven't gotten thru Donda yet either...it's so long. I feel like Kanye is also too wordy. There's one track that I LOVE and it is old-skool Yeezy. I'm 50 so I grew up on Biggie and Tupac and Grand Master Flash and Beasties and so on, so hip-hop was completely different back then. Today's culture is so narcissistic. Whatevs...love listening to your thoughts


Are you lost?


Dasha sounds obscenely hot in this one


See Trial Site News for ivermectin information, it’s just a medical review site. The medicine recently won two NYC Supreme Court cases and Indian bar association is suing WHO over it. Msm doesn’t mention that, do they? You can also see c19ivermectin.com for all the studies. Ppl gotta go message these journalists on Twitter and ask them what the fuck they’re doing.


The Buttigieg theory at the end was definitely the cherry on top of the episode. You guys are fucking great!


Podcasters are just clumps of takes


Jay-z larping as basquiat LOL


Kanye as Mishima is one of the greatest takes of all time


This was more based than the War Mode podcast.


been waiting on a new episode so long, I started re-reading Lasch with a vocal fry


I thought steroids are often prescribed for pretty much any illness at least in short term doses. I would think they would have tested that all along, and not surprised it helps CoVid, even before we knew precisely how much it was related to inflammation. I had to inject my cat with steroids when she had lymphoma, and I have used it for a sinus infection to get ready for an audition to recover more quickly. I would be shocked if it were truly dismissed in the beginning of treatment for CoVid? It alleviates symptoms rapidly if nothing else, and short term works - long term has serious side effects - but great in some cases.


The only emotionally honest and serious takes on abortion I’ve heard since this law passed. Thank you ladies 🧡


Abortion became an issue in the early 70's, not the 80's, when Richard Nixon & his minions exploited "the abortion issue" to get votes. The GOP has been lying to the right wing evangelicals ever since because their real constituency, the ultra wealthy cannot win enough votes on their own. Brilliant really. I wonder where their island lair is...


Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha Dasha


Brought a gift to Dasha, all she wanted was Gosha.


hi from Kyiv ladies


In the context of abortion, first define 'life'. If one means 'humanity', saying 'life begins at conception' is just idiotic. At that point, the zygote is just a mass of cells with zero possibility of anything resembling feeling or consciousness. If that's 'life', then you're going to have to worry about the ethics of having blood drawn. And you really should be vegan if you're going to define 'life' that way, since I guarantee you, any animal slaughtered for meat has a far more meaningful experience of the world than some blastocyst.


he’s been doing that for a while. it’s kinda disturbing how obsessed he is with jean.


35min in if you want to skip the zzzz Kanye takes…


Thank you for the truly brave personal commentary, Anna. The abortion situation is complex and I appreciated the honesty.


Their stance on abortion is really messed up. I think it goes like this: abortion at any moment takes "a life" (so it is murder), but it is the kind of murder that should be allowed by the state and doctors can provide (nvm Hippocratic Oath), but you should feel guilty if you get an abortion because it's murder. It's like a compromise between the pro-life and -choice positions but they just took the worst parts of both.


any one knows the german word Anna says at 27:37mins? sounds like "gissumgundstoerk" but that's definitely not a word so any ideas?


I’m a little more pro vaxx than the ladies bc i have long covid and trust me this Lena Dunham ass vibe is something i would have liked to have avoided. But the ivermectin discourse and booster shot vaccine hoarding bullshit and so much of how the left talks about covid is sooooo sus and annoying as shit.


Minute 47 for some great abortion commentary. <3


Anna increasingly does this. Placing reproduction at the very core of her existence, but more as a way of branding herself as diametrically opposed to mainstream feminist thinking. It sounds more contrarian than honest to me. Can’t relate. I’ve had 4 abortions (3 out of the 4 failed contraceptives) and there hasn’t been a day since I bothered to think about it once I recovered physically and emotionally. Not that the emotional part was over “lost lives” in any way. The discourse around abortions is indeed insanely politicized in the us and there’s a lot to say about it critically but her attitude is sheer toxicity to my ears


Does anyone have a resource to expand upon the ivermectin vs vaccine release forms but Anna was talking about? Genuinely curious


Need a Sun and Steel read by Dasha audiobook asap


i think everything you’re crediting kanye for doing on this record, drake also did but better. particularly putting on other artists. he gave yebba an entire song. fire episode tho.


oh one other thing cause i like rap. re: “2 sexy” - it’s a LOL track (a l hotline bling). drake doesn’t take himself nearly as seriously as it seems everyone else takes him. it’s def not meant to be taken as a serious track, it’s a funny summer song.


You’re engaging in the the rhetoric that Anna critiques, and which ultimately advances the arguments of the anti-abortion right that you appear to oppose.


so grateful for Anna's honesty and sensitivity... always so touched by how deeply she means everything she says


Dasha: "Yeah..."


1:38:33 Lmao Dasha!!!


Drake is corny enough to believe he could make that song cool. Great rapper, good music, but let’s be real he’s C*nadian


the left does plenty of goofy shit. but if we’re talking vaccines and abortion, the other guys are pretty goddamn fucking goofy.


Sorry but you’ve been psyop’d by Big Pharma. Listen to Anna closely in this ep.


Wow amazing Alex Jones impression Dasha!!


Holy shit this episode was a banger. Clownworld has truly brought us all closer. Please have Alex Jones on. He's without a doubt the most charismatic man on earth


Use duckduckgo and search Emergency Use Authorization and ivermectin...it may take a bit of work to sort through psyops on both sides. A search of r/conspiracy should yield results as well if for nothing else actual links

Starry Pr1nce

What's more interesting i think is Why these folks want Ivermectin in the first place. It's just a sort of juice cleanse Throw Out Your CBD Now clickbait meme for the right. Like if i got covid and then drank water then i could also say that water cures covid, the fact that most people survive covid despite Ivermectin is driving the Ivermectin correlation. It's pure partisan rejection of the dem vaccine/masks. And more importantly the people in the ICU for covid are the unvaccinated ones lmao.


Lmao they’re dying in ICUs Twitter told me that’s funny


What is philosophical skepticism pls help me


One example of philosophical skepticism pertains to the external world. The characteristic claim of the skeptic is that we cannot know whether the external world exists or not. A broader form of skepticism has it that knowledge, in general, is impossible. Perhaps bc there are no good arguments for holding one view of things over another conflicting view (there are “gaps in rationality”). Or, more interestingly to my mind, bc there are good arguments for holding multiple conflicting views (there are “gluts in rationality”).


Something that we need to discuss is that Elizabeth Holmes mounting a me too style defense is proof of me too as a failed movement. And having a baby as a trial strategy!!! Weaponizing breast feeding!!!!! Anna this is right in your zone babe


If you have nothing to say on abortion (or religion), say nothing


did I hear dasha call anna’s baby lenny??? what is the baby name?!?


Scientifically there is no question that life begins at conception. I learned that in a secular state school bioethics class when they were talking about cloning. Scientifically speaking there are no doubts


But, Anna, there is no sin greater than the love and mercy that God has for the contrite heart