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The ladies discuss the return of the Taliban, the scourge of seed oils, and Cornel West on why the left needs Jesus.







I thought my dad made up the Taliban banana song


“Rubber band man wild as the Taliban” - T.I., 2003


Come Mr Taliban is from "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" made famous by Lil Wayne ("6 Foot 7 Foot"), c'mon Dasha pull it together


Lol haha “tally man, tally me banana” Harry Belafonte - Day-O. Dasha is just too damn cute hahah!


I get so happy whenever the episode is over an hour 🙃


The ladies are back. Inshallah.


Wtf just happened at 4:43, why did you fly a plane into the fourth wall. The artifice of two ladies talking unfiltered in a room is dead; the skein of the rat king has been torn asunder. If you're gonna use samples you should play them live from the answering machine


Can anyone tell me that French word/phrase that Anna uses sometimes? Sounds like “aunwee.”


"Ennui"? It's for when you're bored, rich and European all at the same time


When it comes to fight or flight it seems that Afghani men only have flight mode. Literally. Would rather chance riding on a plane wing to a different continent rather than picking up the guns America gave them and fighting the tally ban.


Very few elites understand how atypical having a cohesive nation is. If you would have gone back to a random point in time to a random part in Italy and asked a peasant, "are you Italian, Sicilian, etc???" They would have responded, "I'm a Christian". The people from Georgetown on both sides don't understand this concept in their bones, even after they've done their summer internship in a 3rd world country. A good chunk of the world today does not have their nationality as part of their identity, and then the west wants to "build" a nation? From what??? Now the REAL interesting take is did the US leave weapons and a shit show ON PURPOSE so that China would have to deal with an Islamic Afghanistan? On their own border, close to Xinjiang?? It probably wasn't intentional but don't think some in the Pentagon aren't smiling right now and happy to play the long game.


Afghan refugees getting bit by the Woke and finger wagging about white supremacy in about 5 to 10 years is something I’m sooo not looking forward to. Ugh the absolute horror lol. Damn the ladies of the pod truly do grasp on to some interesting sideways angles at times. Life in the 21st Century is so far beyond comedy at this point, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe some great sex will help?!!


Get Mariam Ghani on the pod !


“more raw than the taliban, murk you for a half a gram” young zee 2002


Be careful with lead in bone broth. There’s some research about it online because bones can store a lot of lead.


Inspired to pick up cigs again to cope with my brutal sunburn thanks ladies


We should all be Quakers 🙏🌾 very compatible with modern critical consciousness imo


What’s the “seed oil” book called?


I’m kinda sickened by the fact that there is an actual crisis happening and all I’m excited for is these two NY ASMR vocal fry chicks (and the podcasting community at large) to give their take.


Lol same. Especially that intoxicating vocal fry. Can’t resist it!


I disagree with your analysis. Nationalism is an extremely potent force worldwide. It often tends to be even more important than religion, although not unrelated to it. Imho, US mission failed due to the false assumption that all peoples are receptive to liberal democratic governance and values.


Almost shit post tweeted that exact video bite of the cnn reporter today but refrained. How serendipitous


Ps I agree about seed oils. I try to avoid.


Reading that book too - Anna we’re riding the same wavelength / TL

Ben Seales

*classic episode klaxon* these guys are f-ing artists... to take a military industrial complex media shitstorm and take the few grains of humanity out of it and put all these thoughtful mirrors up takes some doing I would think, ugh, hats off, ladies...


Anyone know what Soviet film anna mentions


white sun of the desert (1970) looks like the movie shes discussing but im not 100% sure


Anna‘s therapy take is so on point. The Afghanistan of the mind - very well said!


The big clinging to the plane scene. Check out the 1109 on its nose.


excellent episode ladies. love the tangents

Jonathan Gear

China probably won't extract resources there the way the USA did, to be fair.


at first when anna was talking about uighur prisoners i thought she was saying wigger


Maybe the will manage to singlehandlely "deradicalize" the Talibans and make them act more in their own favour.... This is definitely a subtle víctory for the Chinese and the Russians, at least in the short term.


“I’ve got a war in my mind” - RS ladies/Lana Del Rey


Dasha's commentary on the west village is so accurate.... the "high conformism" is very tangible


great ep! Very minor comment since you just mentioned it but didn't discuss: can't overdose from fentanyl just from being close to it/touching it. It's been a police disinfo talking point for a few years now and resurfaced because of that recent Cali "incident".




Did not know Anna was Kaczynski-pilled whoa nice


The USA can easily crush any country in any war that we actually want to win (we didn’t want to win this war in the classic sense — we just wanted to funnel $$ to the MIC & control opium) because of our technology — troops don’t really matter, it doesn’t matter how low T Americans are


omfg anna my fellow kaczynskinator


i am a straight white male from nebraska. i have to google words at least three times an episode. i’m happy to continue to do so. and today i learned why my moms insane. cheers ladies.


What is Dasha saying at 47:52 (and in other episodes) ? "Oyvey" or something ? Is it Russian ?


Hats off to Dasha for drawing the line at Anna's suggestion that Afghanistan be turned into a giant open-air Uighur concentration camp.


Here is a great interview: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-an-interview-with-ted-kaczynski


How do you mean? All paralysis-inducing, anesthetizing drugs are capable of mis-defined "overdose" via apnea at any dose that exceeds tolerance. Fentanyl is not plausibly any different.


The USA will CRUSH HONKY CHÂTEAU with its economic dominance!


went ahead and read "Drama of a gifted child" which was obviously stressful and then found this article about the author, lol. https://www.haaretz.com/life/books/.premium-mother-dearest-1.5255078


Despite the soyboy mantra, the ultimate endocrine disruptor and largest source of actual estrogen (not phyto-estrogen) in people’s diets is dairy and milk products. 80% of estrogen consumption comes from eating dairy…


What about the xenoestrogens in the water supply and in plastics? How could you possibly single out dairy consumption? Also, many more people consume dairy than soy, are you controlling for that? Lactose intolerant so I have no dog in the fight.


Taliban Mindset running through my head


Name of Russian/Soviet movie Anna talks about?