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The ladies discuss David Lynch's masterpiece Mulholland Drive on its 20th Anniversary. 



Queering Mullholland Drive absolutely killed me


Now THIS is hot

Mike Knish

If this article wasn't as dumb as it was, it would give me a full-on stroke lol


holy shit i haven't laughed this hard at an episode in forever. thank y'all, the paint by numbers wokeism killed me


Much love from Savannah <3


In case you guys don’t know what they were talking about, Lynch isn’t a trump supporter.


Always love when the ladies do a movie review.

Mathieu Dube

Great episode but that's not how you say "oeuvre" lol


David Lynch as the ultimate Chad is a take I did not expect but love.


Sending love from Savannah 💕


"Her big gnats leaking from her head. "


The point about subjecting someone's creative body of work to a round of brittle, pinched-faced, political bean-counting should be written across the sky. I think Anna said something similar with regard to the movie critics in the Woody Allen doc: (paraphrasing) why should I listen to what you have to say about art when you obviously have such contempt for it? Cheers.


It's scary how bad Americans are at pronouncing French words lol


Suzanne Enzerink, like almost all contemporary artists and art critics, are so totally effective at erasing the magic of life that they've become in-cognitive philistines.


If the ladies only discuss David Lynch and Lana Del Rey for the rest of their career I will THROW money at them


Tybee beach near Savannah is amazing.


MD is my favorite movie so I might be biased but this is the best episode yet

W Milly

Absolutely retarded take that Prince is trashier and tackier than MJ. Lady needs to listen to Piano and a Microphone.


Anna gaining 40lbs for a role would only put her “slightly overweight!” Humble brag on the lowski without missing a fucking beat lol. ❤️


I liked the point Anna made about transcendental meditation. When Dasha mentioned it, Anna called it cultural appropriation. It’s like a someone on their phone shit posting someone on Taco Tuesday for inappropriately wearing a sombrero, while on their way to yoga class.


Muh LOL and drive


We do it on purpose out of disdain for those cheese earring surrender monkeys.

Doug Dee

David Lynch once said - "I don't get this whole irony thing."

Doug Dee

I'd like to hear what you think of Armond White.


Still listening but I agree with Dasha that salvaging the failed pilot seems like the key to the film's genius. Knowing little about the production I assume he had a bunch of ideas for the show's future that he couldn't figure out how to get to in a two-hour revision of the pilot until he came up with the dream/doubling device. Then the cinema gods made everything fortuitously fall into place *and* we continue to add to Lynch's genius by occasionally making solid dream-interprety connections he probably didn't even think about, lol


speaking of leo in gilbert grape you guys should review “my left foot” the daniel day lewis masterpiece lol


In 1990-91 during the PC 1.0 era, there was a series of very similar sanctimonious critiques thrown at Lynch. Summed up in this article in the now-forgotten Utne Reader: https://alttvtwinpeaks.com/ep19/19910114-is%20david%20lynch%20creepy_-151864 Everything new is old.


Anna do baby led weaning with your baby, puree is shit!! There is a book called ‘Baby led weaning’ by Gill Rapley which explains it all beautifully. Our ancestors never owned blenders; its not how babies were meant to start eating. Food before one is just for fun remember. Boob as much as you can😎


10/10 episode.


The Virgin coherent plotline versus the Chad Laura Dern screamer, hobo demons, and evil spirits who are in your house right now.


But not everything old is new you crusty crusty boomer. Eat slime!


i saw Mulholland dr when i was 15 in theaters. went in blind—no knowledge of lynch or “arthouse” movies. a friend took me who’d seen it five times or whatever. after we came out he said to me, no irony or sarcasm—dead serious, “did you get it?”. i wanted to kill him. also—if yall havent seen “straight story” from lynch, youre missing out. lynch rules


the scare gals self depreciate and don’t give themselves much intellectual credit and people love to dismiss the pod as vapid idiocy, but honestly this episodes a shining example of how the ladies actually better understand critical theory than the people getting paid big money to write lowest common denominator hyperbolic “woke” propaganda. Like for real this episode seamlessly illuminated how shallow these undergrad shallow feminist/queer/critical race theory takes actually are despite being upheld as radical, and simultaneously they hit on some deeper points of interest in MD. Thanks gals u made a good one <3


would have loved if they got Eli to talk about Lynch’s sound design!


also cant wait to see Dasha’s film!


One of the best episodes thus far in my 3 years subscription. I really enjoyed the sincerity of the convo.


Cutting ep. Was laughing all the way through thanks girls


You know you're going to lose when movies are referred to as 'texts.'


Unrelated and my own projection... but I smell a conversation on Nelson's "The Art of Cruelty" coming next episode?


ladies, I discovered your podcast during Covid and I just love it so much <3 thank you, keep it up and best regards from germany


What a banger 👌


Always thought Trump looks a lot like Hopper, especially younger version of, and is kind of a wannabe Frank Booth.


Ahhh that Rolling Stone... Good stuff back in the day www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/b5i1mc/the_women_of_twin_peaks_rolling_stone_1990/


Luis Buñuel impression please, start with the new criterion release of discrete, object and phantom of liberty, would be great


Hmmm. Never heard the argument editing is a female sport. :) I have known a lot of brilliant male editors...... hm. It's not about catching mistakes. It's about rhythm sometimes. Some men have great rhythm. I will give them that. LOL


Nooooo it was not prior to 9/11. It was a year or so later. But all good :)




please watch whats eating gilbert greap i need to hear it