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The ladies discuss groupchat etiquette, the Columbia professor who's a proud heroin user, and what plummeting sperm counts are supposedly telling us.



This month, the ladies have been so kind to us pay piggies.


y’all are on a roll i love it


Damn you girls are on a rol lately!


you gals always know when i need you to post


check out Clara Rockmore’s Lost Theremin Album!


I'm surprised you guys didn't go into the history of theremins a little more considering how well it fits the pod. Theremins were created under Soviet experiments for sound-trapping, they were originally supposed to be used like a proximity alarm that sounded when an enemy passed through its path. Really interesting stuff. Also, I got a theremin about a decade ago now and it's not too hard once you get how to raise a note, watch some YouTube videos and you'll get the hang of it.


No azealia Ryder mention?


sorry if this is nosey but is Anna confirmed pregnant?!


Red scare pod tries opioids




I hope Dasha remembers no meat on Fridays... remembering to fast on Good Friday is probably a non-issue.


The girls have entered their Prolific Period...


Has anyone seen the recent Netflix documentary about the crack epidemic? They basically close it w him beginning to cry, which okay it’s a v sad topic but it retrospect was he just having a weepy high?

Ashton Knapp

The storm’s been over for a few days it’s like 80 degrees again. Also don’t care about Ted Cruz going to Cancun, what’s he gonna do? Go fix the power plants and pipes?


I wish I had never heard about fucking opioids or its attempt to normalize it Jesus Christ.


I get that the illiberal critique of liberalism is, in part, that the liberal discussion of civil liberties is disingenuous. Or, as they say in this episode, a “red herring.” But I think they’re throwing the baby out with the bath water. Just bc liberals abuse discussion, say, of freedom to nefarious ends doesn’t mean that we’d be better off in a society where the concept of freedom is somehow rendered irrelevant. I do agree, however, that a more positive picture of progress is needed than just a future where we’re all free to shoot up (for instance). I guess a broader criticism I have about Red Scare is that the their illiberal, ironic worldview itself lacks a concrete vision of a future that is substantially different than the present. Again, hard agree with the critical component of illiberalism. But not seeing how a positive picture of future progress is on offer.


Don't orthodox celebrate lent?


Not time for Lent yet. Easter is on May 2 for us, so Lent would start 40 days before. However, neither one is Orthodox.


Seriously, anyone who hasn't heard of Clara Rockmore should put on her version of Ave Maria right now. Unforgettable


Anna please do your sisters a favor and continue the trans discourse with Andrea Long Chu, Azealia Banks and/or Ben Shapiro


Totally agree with Anna that the increase in trans discourse is related to the increasing biological androgyny of western populations. Its the same reasoning that the media went from endless stories on the obesity epidemic to body positivity in a few decade. Its like fuck it, this is the way it is now.


“People in general are becoming less extremely male or female” - This feeling would not pertain in half the bars in California, at least. Perhaps in New York. In a way, I sometimes suspect, the thing that repelled me Westward from the Northeast, twelve years ago, is that the taming of masculinity and masculization of women is nowhere fully actualized or fully thrown into relief by contrast. Within California, despite her reputation for homogeny, this modern trend is completely, hearteningly binary (except for within the Progressive Dating Market, wherein every urban male suitor over 20 is expected, simultaneously, to earn 1.5+ times as much as his imposter-syndrome-afflicted, massively well-paid partner, but also never pay for said partner’s stupid, custom-ly flavor-clashing Counter Custom Burger. Las Vegas, and the working-class-until-twenty-years-ago East Bay and San Jose suburbs, are the only exports of women into LA/SF/SD dating markets who at least request that their man to do both.). But more to the point, in most of Trump Country, including 70% of the landmass of California, men and women are still all very antediluvian, "are they even the same species?", walking, blinking, burping, early-90s Coors Beer Super Bowl Commercial -archetypes. I am highly skeptical of the likelihood of sexual “disfunction” measurement sensitivity remaining consistent enough over time to reflect actual changes in the thing being measured. Even if I intuitively suspect that such changes are rampant. To be sure, I’ve gained a bit of muscle mass the last 8 months, since forgoing seed oils. So, who knows...


I don't think people are really trying to normalize opioid use outside this one weird guy...I'm with Dasha, harm reduction is the way to go on this one


Hockey players are far less rapey than football players. The main skill of the sport is ice skating which is inherently gay

Dane McDowell

I agree that forcing him back is pointless. Putting an incompetent Captain back on the sinking ship doesn't automatically mean he's good. May as well let the dude openly demonstrate how inconsequential he is to normal people.


Professor Hart, pre-revolutionary China would like to have a word with you


Glad y’all talked about the addict professor


Yo how did you miss the incredible Russian history of the theremin / Leo theremin AND also what about the Mikveh? John the Baptist ran a Mikveh, that’s where it comes from!


If you have a son, please don’t mutilate his genitalia. I know it’s the way of your (((people))) but it’s awful and barbaric. Talk about life long trauma...


Getting circumcised doesn’t give you life long trauma but I appreciate your concern


Anna it makes me so happy to hear you talk about the baby! Praying for good health and blessings to your family


Ladies you have to talk about Azealia converting to Judaism


REALLY grateful for yalls takes on the prof & opioids! Such a truly worrying convo... everyone involved in it should listen to this ep honestly


Nothing is a bigger buzz kill than an effete academic droning on about his bourgie drug habit. Take that shit on the road. Also yeah, being an addict is like being an asshole, it isn't up to you to determine it.


40 days dasha!!


I found this podcast after Anna's appearance on the Tim Dillon show. I think both hosts have a refreshingly sceptical and self-aware take on the current state of American politics and society that is a pleasing contrast to the dumpster fire that mass media has become. Please keep up the good work, and thanks for all the episodes I've enjoyed binge listening to this week.


Can you imagine being invited on a vacation to Cancun by your friend and being such a bitch that you complain about it and post it online


"By way of my cultural rearing, I tend to say things in a very direct and dispassionate way, which leads most people to understandably assume that I'm a bitch and/or a fascist." As a fellow Slav, I feel this on a spiritual level. Anna has such a knack for verbalizing life experiences that I didn't realize I needed to unpack. #representationmatters