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Filmmaker Adam Curtis chats with ladies about his new docuseries Can't Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World and why you will never catch him using the word "neoliberalism."



God is great


Holy shit


Holy shiiiiiiitttt, you got him??!!


Jesus Christ.


You got Daddy to come on.


Oh fuck


No way😩






God damn




We’vereached the promised land


My boy adam vaping fat clouds


Wow.. legendary guest


my favorite is when Dasha just says a tech term


When Zizek was on she was like Surveillance Capitalism….


a list guest!


huge! big fan, this was worth five bucks for sure!


Thanks momma K and Auntie Dasha!


Hope Adam catches his breath


Is that his breathing oh god


"They KNOW that it's probably untrue... but they think it's so magnificently wonderful and strange!" Wait til he finds out about teenaged boys who encounter the stab-in-the-back myth on /pol/


Wow, totally inspiring. Thanks for this!


Waiting til the morning to listen to give me a genuine reason to get up. Thanks for always providing us with the best content xoxo


Lives up to the hype. Really great episode.


This is oxygen tbh






Him talking about everyone logging off and going outside. Reminded me of how they talk about Bergermeister Meisterberger’s laws. Basically we gotta get Santa back involved.


My favorite part was when he said everything hysterical only happened in our minds.. at least these are the friends we made along the way lol


see you in hell. ok.


Is that Adam breathing like that Jesus


Great episode


I wish I had an Adam Curtis tulpa interrupting my regular train of thought 24 hours a day so I could feel hope again. "And what does the Voynich Manuscript have to do with that job interview? Nothing! I just thought it was a great fact!" Amazing episode.


mouth breather


great interview!!


Friendly reminder that the credit card companies know much, much more about you than Google/FB do and sell your information, but it's more fun to bash "tech" for political theatre


This is how all British people breath

admiral stiffplank

Damn dude, I thought the Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald episodes were good


This takes the cake


I believe that Adam is a sincere commentator but he seems to be rather uncritical of progressivism and BLM. China will be next in line for regime change.


Oh and BBC. The Biden Broadcasting Corporation aka BLM Broadcasting Corporation.


Adam is an incredible social critic but I think he does his audience disservice in all his docs by not pointing out where all of this is leading to. Obviously nobody knows for sure the future is always uncertain, but it’s easy to see some trends bubbling under the surface. The Bitcoin / blockchain crowd will likely play a big role shaping the future since they’re actually pushing back on big finance / big tech / govt over reach. If that’s the case the future is likely to not have these overarching narratives any longer that Adam was talking about, but rather power will be distributed down to people for a change.


“Dogs in a Box” - yep.


Is he vaping?

Quinn Molina

y'all are so fkn cool


I’m actually not familiar with Adam Curtis (shocker I know) but I could only listen to about half. The thing is we did have individualism AND pride for this country in the not so recent past. The reason so many of us over 40 (and prob younger too) pine for the past was that it was a much happier time in many ways. 911 changed that to a certain degree, the iraq war and 2008 did too. But even with all that I think when a lot of us voted for Obama we had really high hopes for this country and felt like we had reached a pinnacle point where we were moving forward in a good direction. Then everything seemed to go to shit this last decade. It became upside down world. Common sense went out the window, there’s a hyper focus on race when most of us were taught to judge people by their character, and we’re teaching young people the real world should cater to them instead preparing them for the realities of life. Idk, he seemed kind of out fo touch to me, but I’ll try to listen to the rest.


This ep is incredible- I think it’s really important to talk about the pernicious effects social media in these terms; like the more we engage with the more its colonizing potential is realized, changing the way we think to reflect itself ie more binary and robotic thinking and ways of looking at the world.


🔥🔥🔥 now get heji on here


This guy is really wrong about a lot of things. Which makes sense bc he has a “journalistic mind.”

Peter T.

10/10. p.s. they really could consider just losing the sign off. We're going to keep listening even if you don't say it :)


Love him


best ep in recent memory


Based interview


He lost me at the BLM endorsement.


This is under-discussed. They also have much more power over content than even Google/FB. They can not process your payments unless you conform to their mandates. The CC's and PayPal stopped processing donations to Wikileaks all at once.


Is he well? he gets winded from talking.


"grooming" in unison


I honestly think he isn’t that helpful and not as insightful as he thinks he is. Props getting him on the show though.


Watching the doc. He seems to believe that Trump’s “make America great again” theme functions to “return” America to its exceptionalist “past.” I don’t believe this is correct—Trump’s rhetoric about making America great again goes *against* exceptionalism. We are just like any other country—not an international hegemon—and need to compete with other countries accordingly. It is precisely the imperialist behavior sapping domestic resources that Trump’s success rests upon. Aside from this pretty obvious misread, the doc is a pretty interesting film.


@J.T. I agree, though maybe Trump's rhetoric did not even mean that. However, it is evident that many of his supporters would agree with that notion. Being Anti-War and in general supporting other countries 'right to populism' is evidence of this non-exceptionalism thinking.


The “again” part of “make America great again” certainly suggests a return. In any event, Trump was against nation building and international law, not American imperialism.


Adam Curtis vapes?


He carries so much information and knowledge I'm gonna have to listen to this pod and watch his documentaries more than a few times!!


Please have RFK Jr. on.


I like Limonov book “le vieux” (the old man). I don’t know if it’s been published in English though.


I love that he watches I May Destroy You


I disagree. Trump being against use of international law (even to implement US will), against nation building, and against war is what it means to be against imperialism. What else does imperialism mean? There is a big difference between America being powerful and America being a global hegemon. Trump advocated for the former and against the later.


Love that he’s just ripping his pipe constantly, with every minuscule action required aimed directly at the mic. Favorite parts of this have to be the deafening silence when he praises Biden (insert a few other comparable instances) and Anna/Dasha are absolutely terrified to ruin their brand by uttering anything at all. Being earnest here, a great discussion and upper tier red scare ep. Request to keep more of these kinds of interviews coming if possible


Truly excellent episode!!

More Human than Human

Damn Adam Curtis is really well spoken and interesting. Rare to not hear the same old boring shit when it comes to politics and culture. Love this man and his movies and I force my girlfriend to rewatch them with me all the time. They hit different every time its a weird thing about his films. He is one of those film makers who communicates things I feel are rooted in my subconscious but I could never actually explain to someone because I am too stupid. Great interview


D and A admirably generous with their star guests. Though sometimes wish they would impose themselves a little bit more.


They should have asked Curtis: 'how do you diagnose Red Scare?' That would have been really interesting to hear him do.


All told though excellent interview. Thanks.


Curtis falls flat for me here. Realpolitik conceptually haunts this conversation, to use his theme. Wish he would more closely examine Trump/May’s actual policy measures rather than dismiss them as nonexistent. It creates this false binary in his logic that bases voter choices on hysteria. Weakens his thesis for me as he fails to grapple with any concrete measures taken in US /UK post-Trump election/Brexit. He is so focused on the feelings/anger angle and fails to wonder about the relationship between subconscious feelings and statements about objectivism and rationalism which play far more into current conservative conversations rather than the strong talk of rage and emotion that the liberal US left pushed alongside Biden’s campaign/COVID/BLM. If the Left is serious it’s worth figuring out the logic of the other side’s choices rather than continuing to strawman as hard as possible. Curtis is a perfect example of garden variety talking heads that string words together in ways that sound nice yet fail to show any real grasp of economics, foreign policy, history... and fail to understand that that is a crucial part of why so many people are turning away from them. Not any number of “isms” that they like to hurl as insults across the aisle. Also fails to grapple with what could possibly replace current visible world power figures like Bezos with some alternative, non-banal power that is simultaneously not boring/tells an interesting story but also does not make anyone feel bad ( no military/physical power, no discrimination or acknowledgement of differences or talent)... while we figure it out, don’t forget to scroll Instagram .... Also, does Curtis really imagine that the Internet was some free Utopia back in the late 80s/early 90s? Did he miss all the military/gov research projects bits & all of the venture capitalists working in the 90s to form the basis of the internet landscape we stare blandly at today ... Finally, it was not breaking news that Robinhood & other free trading platforms were able to provide their services to us average knuckleheads by selling micro transaction data. Just because the puzzle pieces are news to you does not make them news or manipulation or conspiratorial. Just means our journalists, cultural commentators & filmmakers are somehow reading and thinking slower than consumers.


Now HRH Collection next


Exactly my thoughts after finishing the episode. Garden variety philosophy - complicate things, add in some fluff, and completely ignore what’s happening in reality. The glaring example for me was the focus on individualism as if it’s some sort of catalyst for making us more self conscious. And that he seemed surprised that there’s an overall feeling that we’re being watched. Wait, what? Did he forget we have these things called smart phones? That at any moment you can be recorded without knowing it? That were all a bunch of voyeurs openly spying on each other? Or that there’s this trend of canceling people? If anything I think social media/group think is making us more self conscious. Conclusion: underwhelmed with this dude, I don’t get the Curtis obsession




Can anyone else hear an oven timer going off in the background the whole time ?


Literally mkultra


It's always strange when someone's works far exceeds the reasonings that lead to the creation of the works.


this guy is great


one of my favorite episodes.


Second that RFK Jr.


just watched the entire series, and heard the recommendation on tim dillon's. thanks. very inspiring work. binge watching him all week.


I missed his point about being watched. We are being watched right? ... cctv, social, and then he says that he “watch’s people in bars,”


Curtis's docs are cool and fun to watch but tbh I think Anna and Dasha have more interesting things to say. As many have said here, he seems a bit out of touch. Also his tone feels kinda preachy and bombastic. Big MEH.


Listening with headphones was terrifying. Objects pinging around, papers rustling, metallic and wooden scraping noises, echoey crashes in the background... all the while Adam Curtis is panting and gurgling.


Great conversation and questions. Nice to hear more about the process. Not sure I agree with Curtis read of Russian culture as being free of Western influence -I tend to go more with Boris Groys analysis, that Russia is the adopter of western extremist ideals (such as marxism) since it could not otherwise keep pace with the West. I think this is expressed in his book 'The Art of Stalinism' but may be mistaken, or paraphrasing this badly. I have seen plenty of fear and paranoia in Russia and Russians, and the inferiority complex inherent to its proximity and competition with the west is a deep part of the culture. it is a distinct culture though and worth examining by thinkers in the west such as him. Thanks again and keep up the great work!


He is a lovely person, but I agree with other commenters that he is out of touch, especially when he discusses BLM. His work is wonderful, but I don't interpret it the way he intends. When I see radicals preaching equality, like the dude in part 2 who coined black power, I think of what Nietzche said about the intellectual egalitarians spouting off about justice. I also think about what Orwell said in Road to Wigan Pier - that these progressives don't love the poor, they just hate the rich.


Yes. This reminds me of Iain McGhilchrist's Master and His Emissary Left Hemisphere Colonization thesis.


Could also hear someone’s laptop fan reaching warp speed