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The ladies talk to Mark Crispin Miller, the NYU professor suing his colleagues for libel over a classroom masking controversy, about covid heresy, academic freedom, conspiracy theories, Edward Bernays, and the changing face of propaganda in the internet age. 

Read and sign Professor Miller's Change.org petition here and donate to his GoFundMe here.



Would be fun one day to get your musical boyfriends on the pod! Dasha I just wanna know if Daniel stans Charli lmao or just who his inspirations are, the ppl deserve to know


Include a link to the go fund me too


lmao i graduated from his dept a few yrs ago and took his class he is a bit insane sure but i also would do a lot to learn who the profs who signed the letter to investigate him were...


Great ep


Please make public. It would be great to share for more to hear. This is an important listen.


This guy is such a loser, why would anyone want to hear this


That guy’s voice and intonation is the vocal equivalent of manspreading. Wish cancel culture were for real


Red scare has the best fans. Just look at the comments.


He should put his lectures up on youtube. Sounds like an interesting course.


Love this episode! Thanks ladies.


Really loved this ep and hope his lawsuit is successful. He did remind me of all of my least favorite grad school profs who deserve cancellation on the grounds of being insufferably arrogant, though


Anyone know of an article or a page where he shows the "ample grounds for believing the election was rigged"? I sure don't put it beneath the dems and the political establishment to cheat within this horrible electoral system, and I also think it's kinda bullshit that so many ppl would've voted for Biden and Kamala, but Trump & co only seem to have weak arguments from what's been disclosed as of now...


The punitive comments about this guy only further support the arguments he is making. Terrific episode (and interesting juxtaposition w the last guest).


Loved this!!


Such a good episode ladies. As always thanks for all you do to educate!


this was not only the best episode of red scare to date, it has to be one of the greatest episodes in the history of the podcasting medium. every second was phenomenal, great work Anna and Dasha!


One of your best🥇


Great Ep, but did Anna pronounce bonafide as ‘boner-fee-days’ at 19:08? Lol no hate love u


oh shit really good episode


Great Episode

Matt Burgess

This is one of your best episodes ever well done ladies reminded me of the Vanessa place one


donated. these are essential early battles and must be won.


Sooo allied soldiers were cucks then? Personally I think anti German propaganda should come back- my ex roommate was always dominating the living room and never bought toilet paper


"I’m not talking about Trump the human being. I couldn’t care less about him. I’m talking about the policies. The policies are clear; the understanding is clear. There is nobody that’s not living under a rock that can’t comprehend that maximizing the use of fossil fuels and eliminating the restrictions is going to lead to disaster. The document I just mentioned assumes that we’re racing toward total disaster." - Noam Chomsky interview in The New Yorker Oct 30 2020


This is a decent round up: https://blog.libertasbella.com/united-states-national-election-fraud/ And here’s some big brained stuff: https://ideasanddata.wordpress.com/2020/11/10/evidence-of-voter-fraud-in-the-2020-us-presidential-election/ If you can approach it with an open mind and heart it’s fairly difficult to deny.


I think I got back all the brain cells that I had lost from the Cat Marnell episode. Good job ladies.

Doug Dee

He was interesting, but if he thinks Trump "won handedly" - he needs to explain how you can lose all 59 lawsuits, and have such an entirely inept legal team to come up with ZERO wins. Now, I find three irregularities that amount to thousands of votes that were never refuted. So I mean, he *might* have won? But handedly?. That's some propaganda for you.


Alex Kilgore like if you see this


A) hard to get certain kinds of suits into court in the first place; e.g. rejection of oregon lawsuit claiming fossil fuel industry is defrauding future generations of the right to liberty & property ('Our Children's Trust'). The texas lawsuit never reached court on similar grounds. B) Intimidating political climate in which dissenting Wayne County Board of Canvassers members "were called a 'disgrace' by Rev. Wendell Anthony, a pastor and head of the Detroit branch of the NAACP. 'You have extracted a black city out of a county and said the only ones that are at fault is the city of Detroit, where 80 percent of the people who reside here are African Americans. Shame on you!' Anthony said. Ned Staebler, a vice president at Wayne State University in Detroit, said, 'The stain of racism that you have just covered yourself in is going to follow you throughout history.'"


I felt the Broads eyes light up when the Propaganda academic mentioned having Lyme’s disease 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


A brilliant episode in manufacturing Propaganda especially for those that figured it out. 😎


His voice is like butter. Mint episode laydies 🥞


Lmao Anna whispering “that’s our sign off” is so cute


This episode fucking rocked


Anna you’re a fantastic interviewer


This is such a welcome antidote to scrolling and having one's worldview likely reinforced in their social media echo chamber. You don't have to agree with everything Professor Miller is saying. But the world is all the more poorer when everything is so polarised and intelligent, spirited debates over a couple of glasses of wine are arguably increasingly rarer in a world where so many are just online all the time, even before Covid took hold, more often than not.


Dasha was the smart one in this ep


he was great you should have him back on again in the future


Lmao. Extremely hard to take someone seriously that says "I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I have chronic lyme's disease." That's literally a conspiracy....


This episode was top shelf!


Great ep. This guy is hypnotic. Permanent 3rd mic?


Best Ep yet


So we’re just out here glossing over the equation of a public health campaign (seatbelts in the beginning) to propaganda?


There may be controversy about treatments, but that there can be chronic symptoms resulting from Lyme disease is a pretty mainstream medical view these days https://www.hopkinslyme.org/lyme-disease/ https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lyme-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20374651 https://news.columbia.edu/news/when-lyme-disease-doesnt-go-away This medical center at Columbia U gives a helpful explanation of the controversy over terminology: https://www.columbia-lyme.org/chronic-symptoms

Doug Dee

He states propaganda isn't necessarily nefarious, so presumably it includes everything from the USSR is scary, to ... wouldn't you like to try a McRib sandwich.


Sure. I guess technically any public health initiative is propaganda in that it’s information meant to encourage people to act/think a certain way. I just think it’s a little sloppy


I wish they talked about the reasonable burden standard. Wearing a mask is really easy and non-invasive and virtually harmless. It is very different than medicine/vaccines and war, which result in deaths and body autonomy compromises.


We should be able to hold two thoughts in mind at once. We can both err on the side of prudence and wear masks while also being conscious of authoritarian strains in the contemporary mask wearing discussion.

MC Ritz

He lost me at the end. Loved the gist.


FWIW an article from the College Fix pointed out that Crispin is currently on TPUSA’s Professor Watchlist (which I believe almost exclusively attacks “leftist” profs) for deriding the Bush Admin/extremist Christianity in politics. Not an endorsement one way or the other but in sussing out intellectuals I find it helpful to know who’s afraid of them and why.


Oh and I immediately ordered a copy of Disciplined Minds


this dude is my spirit animal, his take on trump is spot on


This is black pill shit


This is a really good one, thank you ladies


How can anyone take this guy seriously? He speaks as an intellectual authority on covid and election fraud as if he is knowledgeable about this subjects themselves, not just the surrounding narratives, then when he is confronted about his views on gender identity he makes an excuse that he "doesn't teach that subject". Oh please


Do you really think it was the soldier’s idea to go? No, they weren’t cucked but the mission certainly was and the people sending them were. It was none of our business.


Great episode girls love you


I get blasted with the most exquisite cognitive dissonance when I try to wrap my head around how someone could enjoy, to the point of paying for, Red Scare and not be into everything about this dude.


Really interesting episode... though I got confused when he was trying to explain his Sandy Hook point


Apparently they cut out a part where he straight up says that Sandy Hook has "troubling compelling research" to suggest that it was fake.


How can you guys be smug about people who believe in Russiagate and also believe that the election was stolen from Trump by the Democrats based on no evidence? You are no different from the Libs you make fun of if you buy shit without any evidence.


I actually really liked this ep cause of his approach. I tried to be impartial listening to him talk about the 2020 election- I even listened to another podcast where he discusses it more, but amounts his conclusions to “numerous irregularities.” For example the “vote dumps” that took place overnight. But like... he doesn’t address the likelihood that most Trump voters were in person vs Biden mail-in... hard pill to swallow there MCM. If anyone can find a thorough explanation *from him* on this topic I’m willing to take it in as impartially as possible, but so far not finding anything. (Funny side note he mentions in that same podcast that he staunchly supported Bernie twice)


Don’t feel bad that you can’t find good information, 2020 fraud discussion is actively being censored and suppressed by tech platforms and Pravda (if you’re skeptical, remember how they treated the Hunter Biden story, this is how they plan to operate going forward). You may have to dig through dry reports and boomer conservative blogs and podcasts to get the details of how it went down.


They’re hosts, no one wants a debate. But he’s right on both fronts and you’re a crypto-shitlib if you can’t accept that.


They have a surprisingly large normie shitlib demo in their audience. But yes more guests like this please.


I’m too careless to scroll up to see if someone else has mentioned Philip Roth but his story hits different after just reading The Human Stain


lmfao I wasn’t far enough in yet... just the very beginning

Gabriel Jones

I would've felt bad for this guy (this seemed like a troll ep) if he wasn't such an insufferable and boring relic of a certain Cold War-era crankiness that sees agents ('propagandists') and counter-agents ('conspiracy theorists') around every corner in his Beautiful Mind-palace.

Dane McDowell

Listened to this twice now. Great ep. Wish you guys prodded him with the election fraud claims.


Just gonna say, the real winners of COVID were the ones who took it seriously and locked down hard w/ strict border controls: Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand. This episode and the COVID outbreak in America leading to continual crappy lockdowns reflects the folly of self-sabotaging American individualism.


So great

Don Ultra



Best Guest!


oh cmon, pick a lane. how do you believe all the conspiracies at the same time?


Saved the best for your penultimate ep of the year..


Don’t understand the extremely pos reviews on this episode. This guy has the most mundane, outdated, simplistic worldview. You can have your uncle or dads college roommate over for dinner to hear about MK ULTRA. Also, wish propaganda was defined a little more earnestly. Felt like he was just calling any and all mass communication (advertising, public health, school textbooks, films, podcasts, newspapers) “propaganda”, which seems lazy and meaningless (or plays into the hands of the CIA??). Also would be interesting to know if there is a society now or ever without large scale implicitly coercive messaging. Basically, this guy shouldn’t be at NYU not because of this incident, but because he’s not an academic.


I don't understand his take on World War II soldiers. They were tricked in into fighing under the impression that Germans were bad - but for the wrong reasons or based on false notions... So if they knew the true purpose of the war: fighting Germans (who were bad - for actual reasons) they would have been like "oh hell no I don't want any part of that."


For such an "out of the box" thinker this dude has all the classic takes you would expect from a closeted right-wing boomer. He just thought-launders it with more academic rhetoric. Still, it was listenable until his insistence that Trump "won overwhelmingly" in the election, and that it was stolen. I'm all for being skeptical of dominant narratives but that isn't what he is.


I hope you guys can get him on here again someday. This was awesome.


He sounds hot