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The ladies discuss Obama's comments on "snappy slogans," the most recent LA lockdown, Warner Bros.' covid-conscious streaming putsch, and the new NYT op-ed on PornHub's exploitation of women and children. Suggested reading below.

Nicholas Kristof, The Children of PornHub.


UPDATE ON THE E-SHOPPE: If you ordered merch from our online store, we expect to fulfill your orders as planned but will know for sure early next week. If not, you will be refunded in full. Stay tuned!



Couldn’t stop refreshing


My prayers, answered


لقد عادت ملكاتنا

Ashton Knapp

Agree about the water ladies, 16 oz of water is a whole pound! Drinking the recommended amount of water is like four pounds! I’d rather be dehydrated and skinny


Im so excited for this episode 😭


Dasha thank you for the Dov Charny awareness message. Weinstein took up too much attention in the pervy L.A. Jew market. #justicefordov


90 min banger!

Olivia Chigas

Here’s a solution for the next batch of red scare merch- maga aesthetic themed! Anna herself said it will be coveted....


The people on Twitter that call for your heads to be cut off were probably ISIs members mad that they didnt trademark their logo before


I just saw a rat in my apartment- hope everyone’s having a good weekend


You are merely reclaiming black arabic text from ISIS.


plz make the t-shirts in long sleeve again !


Nobody’s listening to the LA lockdown rules


This episode is very funny. Please get cancelled more often


v obv that the ladies are absolutely thriving on all the negative attention


(From LA) no on here gives a shit— example: our salon owners decided to open after pelosi and gruesome’s public antipathy toward their own political stance. then, the city pretended like they allowed them to open lmfao


I like to keep my Anna can of cranberry sauce fleshlight cold for a more true-to-life feel.


I need a tote!!


No Lives Matter long sleeve. I didn’t expect shirt gate either. My god. Thx for covering the NYT op-ed. Bleak shit! :(


my cousin was a semi famous porn star in the late 2000’s AMA


Y’all should get Riley on the pod!


Americans are obsessed with drinking water because it’s the only healthcare they get that’s free


I must’ve bought a fake shirt cuz it was off redbubble 😧


Best opening line of the pod ever


This podcast in general is very good to shop to :)


It’s always funny to me that you think the daily mail is good lol


She didnt want to be photographed in a bikini cause she didnt want obama to me embarrassed that her dick is bigger

Monty Bullock

what’s the status of the shirts??


Flahrida lmao


Please comment on the hungarian MEP that was caught in an orgy with drugs in Brussels 😭

Doug Dee

If you're ever going to sell mugs, go the extra mile and make them 13 ouncers.


That NYT article was so poorly written ... it reminded me of a college research paper


Section 230 is a liability shield that protects websites from being sued for all the user generated content posted on them; that's it. Repealing it would lead to more censorship; social media websites would be a lot less financially sustainable without it. Plenty of Democrats like Biden have also shown interest in revoking Section 230. Lots of establishment types at least in secret resent that social media has allowed alternative news media to become as nationally and globally competitive with more mainstream (corporate and legacy) media. And Trump is probably also just salty at Twitter's CEO.


Please have your parents on the pod


Is it just me or was the best ep yet? At long last there is professional production. Dasha can be heard clearly and no longer seems some whispy,, exhausted and distant from the mic or or headset she keeps fucking with. I sometimes have to ride the volume knob to hear here versus a guest like the shouting Glenn Greenwald who can blow out your ear drums and speakers alike. Also, Dash is no longer the sidekick. She’s fully come into her own as an equal interviewer, if not the dominant and more exuberant one that allows AK to be the calm, austere and cerebral one, who I wish was writing an alternate blog each week to expand her brilliantly ‘transgressive’, yet fairly reasonable thoughts. 🖤