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Journalist Matt Taibbi stops by the pod to talk about Russia, Substack, and what's happened in journalism and politics since he published his last book, Hate Inc.: Why Today's Media Makes Us Despise One Another.



If Matt doesn't talk Russian to the girls, this episode is ruined.


Finally !!


anna’s emails to matt.taibbi@hotmail.com finally paid off!! 😇


Thank fucking Christ, my god. Thank you.


knew it would happen when glenn's gay a$$ said he'd bully matt into coming on the pod, proud of him


Slay yes mama


ja bless


Loved the interview with Matt Taibbi


Is it me or is Matt mixed really low?


Anna, you should read this. https://votepatternanalysis.substack.com/p/voting-anomalies-2020


Would you watch the next season of the bachelor ? Politics is kind of a snooze fest


This guys voice sounds like buffalo bill


every time I have heard this guy's name around the interwebs it has been in a sentence about "controversy!" or "under fire for". I guess I should have know that is just code for "Isn't fucking insane". Well I am sold, I will take one Matt Tabbi please.


We love when the fellas mansplain LOL


why is every single one of yr guy guests a faggot or talks like one?it gets to be oppressive, hearing these gay man voices all of the time~


also jujek doesn't seem like a homo(?) but the audio is so bad he sounds like one talking & he is v v uppity~


Repost with louder audio 😞😞😞😞


Reality check: $37,000 per month is not a “modest” living


Nomi Prins next?

admiral stiffplank

more of this guy and more of Glenn Greenwald


Every time I’m about to walk away because recent eps have been blah, the girls come strong with a banger


Is it me or is mat Taibi a little horny for the ladies


and the reason this is not on video is what?


Great ep. Anna’s questions so good. Thank you.


In a nutshell: The 3 participants admit that the media was obsessed with Trump and only covered him in negative ways. They then proceed to discuss him in terms that betray the fact that they have absorbed and believe all of that negativity. Mr. Taibbi states that he believes that Mr.Trump was not sincere about any of his 2016 campaign promises, yet it never seems to occur to him that the reason he doesn't realize that Trump accomplished MANY of his campaign promises, is because the media did not cover his accomplishments and/or reported them in inverted negatives ways so that they were unrecognizable. They can point to the medias pathology but cannot themselves resist it. That cognitive disconnect along with the EXTREME vocal fry of the ladies was just too much. I could not get much past 15 minutes. I'm still shuddering.


My problem with subscriber based platforms is that giving 5$ a month to like 15 dif things is so unaffordable it’s like paying a media rent


Complaining about vocal fry is a hate crime btw if anyone was thinking of penning another comment


it's okay we have to accept that most ppl aren't mature enough to appreciate a vocal fry's true value


it's actually become so calming and satisfying to me, people get too stuckup on this surface level shit


at the end of that whole paragraph analysing Matt and the girls' psychology ("in a nutshell") you're admitting that you couldn't listen past 15min cause you get stuck up on something as trivial as a vocal fry... I think you're not really receptive to any critique of your preferred candidate


paralllllllells? ... excuse me?


Kind of quiet


I love watching you become deprogrammed in real time. It’s scary how far off base social consensus can be, isn’t it? Most arent brave enough to confront it, even privately.


matt taibbi 😍😍😍😍😍💕💕


matt has been writing abt the incompetence of modern journalism and the faults of horserace coverage since 2012.. i'm surprised the discussion stayed mostly within the trump years context


He’s wicked hot

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-19 14:18:07 I remember subscribing to Rolling Stone back in the day (early 2000s) and found Matt's pieces so annoying and stupid (know-it-all writers suck) that I stopped getting them sent to me. Any publication that would give a shot to a libtard pseudo intellectual like Taibbi didn't deserve my money or time. Interested to see if he still sounds like an asshat. Update to follow this episode. <3
2021-06-15 16:35:10 I remember subscribing to Rolling Stone back in the day (early 2000s) and found Matt's pieces so annoying and stupid (know-it-all writers suck) that I stopped getting them sent to me. Any publication that would give a shot to a libtard pseudo intellectual like Taibbi didn't deserve my money or time. Interested to see if he still sounds like an asshat. Update to follow this episode. <3

I remember subscribing to Rolling Stone back in the day (early 2000s) and found Matt's pieces so annoying and stupid (know-it-all writers suck) that I stopped getting them sent to me. Any publication that would give a shot to a libtard pseudo intellectual like Taibbi didn't deserve my money or time. Interested to see if he still sounds like an asshat. Update to follow this episode. <3