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The ladies address Sia's autism backlash, tackle The Great Reset and review Cazzie David's new book, No One Asked for This: Essays. 



Finally! Thank you ladies <3

Tommy York

Can you give me a recommended-lasch-reading-list?


20 minutes into the paywalled episode and you guys still haven't said Greta Thunberg should've played Music. I lost a bet with myself. EDIT: "[Kate Hudson] has two kids. Ryder and Bingham. And one's older. And one's younger." lol nm Dasha should have played her


Odd to hear someone I hold in high regard to use "godless" in a pejorative fashion. Anna's disposition seems much more resonant with The Satanic Temple/Boyd Rice than anything "God-full." I dig the implied provocation when Zizek and Anna use the word "god," but getting anywhere interesting with the hoi polloi tribalists regarding the poetic possibilities is thus far nearly impossible without dredging through the boring semantics and brittle agendas.


I can't believe they won't cover Cuomo/Bill de Blasio shit show - living in New York and that's the one to paywall


Fake autistic tick tock teen


The Great Reset NYT article is on the same page as their FDA Authorizes First At-Home..., when you click the link you just wait for it to scroll down for you. I don't know why the NYT is posting all their different corona news stories on one page like they're The Guardian liveblogging a tennis match, hope it doesn't continue. Holy fuck, all of the last thirty minutes are about Cazzie David? I don't know who this is, wouldn't/won't read, and had to turn it off because *I* started to feel like shit. I hope she didn't listen to this ep while driving? Anyway the prior stuff was good. "The elites are shapeshifters who tailor their political agenda to their economic interests, and right now socialism is hot, even if it's socialism only by name, so they're all progressive socialists all of the sudden" was a good encapsulation.


get Lena on the pod!


Do a review on The Crown new season I'm only watching It to see how they potray The Witch and Diana hehe


Fun fact: Allegedly Cazzie’s mom had an affair with Al Gore 👀


No expert but Culture of Narcissism and then Revolt of the Elites are the two Lasch must-reads AFAIK. Whenever the beloving podcaste on Twitter alleges that Anna's only read two books, I think those are supposed to be the two.


for the love of god girls WHERE IS THE MERCH


And that the elites didn’t think The Great Reset would draw parallels to The Great Leap Forward and what sort of reaction that would get in this political climate


yeah that's why I'm pretty sure the name and branding was a conscious choice to get some sort of specific reaction out of people, it's just too obvious. When I saw the name trending on Twitter I thought it was from some Qanon preacher and not straight out of Trudeau mouth


Twitter are the plains of autism on autism crime


All the stuff WEF puts in the window is just PR so they have an excuse to get together and do a ton of unregistered lobbying Every year they pretend to be discussing women's empowerment or automation or some bullshit The public events are a joke. It exists entirely so CEOs can rub shoulders with presidents and prime ministers to get the real work done behind closed doors


That episode literally blew out my speaker


Anna is right that female autism is different than male autism, and autistic females are better at mirroring emotion and empathy.


I can never figure out if people are saying ‘artistic’ or ‘autistic’ and if there’s even a difference and whether this mix up makes me also slightly artistic... 🥴


Athiesim is literally a failure to understand what language is. Athiests don't realize that certainty itself suggests an objective frontier of knowledge that can only be justified by an ultimate (aka divine) judge. To say God doesn't exist in certain terms is to say that God would agree with that statement. Athiests should be disrespected as hypocritical. I'll fuck an agnostic though.


My friends are my only family, but my only friends are podcasts.


https://www.instagram.com/frillability/ I went to high school with this now grown-ass adult, but one wouldn’t be able to tell from their Instagram. I remember her as a White dorky choir geek that posted videos of herself singing Jewel songs at Italian-American weddings. This weeaboo mutated into a new form of Trans identity that includes gender, disability, religion, race, and species(?). I don’t believe this person is disabled; this is a con job for attention and profit, just as their decision to label themselves Brown or Muslim. What personality disorder is this? Is it a personality disorder?


Kate Hudson has a podcast with her equally hot and sunny brother Oliver btw


you guys should do a review of tommy cash. bio --> Born in 91, on the last year of the Soviet Union Tommy Cash experienced a blend of the Baltic ghetto and the lingering Russian heritage whilst growing up. Turning to art for self-expression he experimented across dancing hip-hop and street art, finally to arrive at his latest conquest - music. His creativity derives from the cultural capital of post-Soviet sceneries and the sounds of the leaders of western rap music. Unpacking the layers of Tommy Cash you’ll find a genuine admiration for the iconic three stripes Adidas, equestrianism, Russian carpets and Kanye West - all of which construct the conceptual artist who is capable of smashing preconceptions and transcending boundaries of sexuality, genres and history.


Could A&D *PLEASE* review the outfits of the following two vogue videos: Camille Rowe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlOg0mUoi9Q Hailey Bieber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MVHi96NZls


Anna can you make another reading list please ❤️


Anna you didn’t get a nose job because ya don’t need one...but the wrong big nose on a Semitic face leaves truly no other option..


Please fix the audio, I could barely hear it through my headphones. Thanks, chicas!


last 2 very quiet


You guys really need to hire a producer. The volume levels are all over the place.


Very uneven sound dynamics lately ladies - levels are all over the place, please don’t be afraid to get more nerdy with the sound, it will make a huge difference! Thank you!


can you please use some of the massive amounts of patreon $ to get a producer ? This no good to listen to