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Glenn Greenwald is back to talk about the state of journalism and the fate of the election.



yay :)


y’all sound good! :)


wow, great guests, you're on a roll!


"(sarcasm) There's no reason why anyone should expect you to get more creative [with the opening]" To be fair, the commonsense podcaster opens with an announcer voice and hopes/tries to settle into their speaking voice. The ladies, being true Delta bluesmen, slur and garble through the intro as though this show is produced by the Viet Cong


Dasha this could have been 90 minutes


you're all so fucking cute I love it


can you please get the mighty Tim Dillon on the show, yes or yes?


Everything's awful and getting worse; I did the harm reduction vote for Biden. I know that won't fix our big problems and we need a revolution, but since nobody's going to start that, I guess stuff like restoring antidiscrimination in the ACA is better than the left getting nothing at all. Sometimes I worry that folks like Bernie really aren't more electable even if he had an honest chance, because the electorate is pathetic and retarded. Like, are most Latinos the most cucked ethincity in the country? Trump and his supporters think they're a bunch of rapists and criminals, Trump didn't even attempt any specific outreach toward them or anything; must be some kinda stockholm syndrome that more would vote for him.


Lets remember when Twitter took away Maduros' blue check lmao


How on earth do you think we latinos elect socialists including women presidents in our own countries? We have class struggles. Self respecting leftists would be conflicted voting democrat except for bernie. Most of us do not fall for idpol. Your worst enemies are within, people like Bree. Disgusting.


IDK why I did this to myself but after Glenn left the Intercept I went on r/neoliberlism and the amount of hate they were throwing at him was insane. Anyways so thankful y'all have everyones fav gay dad on the pod <3


Glenn sounded far more chaotic than usual! Love that for him!


Glenn was so bitchy on this ep, I love it


Super cute n' clever badinage. Cool to hear a fellow genXer whose mouth isn't filled with a shotgun.


The accidental “bye” in triple unison made my heart melt


I love sassy Glenn <3


He needs to be on more! <3

Lance Audette

ok, first off good podcast, but when glenn said "it wasn't black women & minorities who rose up to vote Kamala, who they hate"... & that it was Suburban White Women.. that's just wrong. If You Believe There Was No Voter Fraud. Because inner cities that are predominantly black.. like Milwaukee & Philadelphia & Atlanta... are quite literally calling this election, too. many of these cities' black communities are held together by black women who often *work for the government*... do you really think they're not working for the elections? those types of ladies, DMV & all that? the common trope, that is a truth none the less? Johnson's Great Society began this process. The government intentionally trying to hire black leaders in their communities to work for them. Jim Clyburn, anyone? So those Black Ladies, who are pushing the vote participation to record setting levels in these cities, are still yuuuugely important, and did their job where they needed to. whether legally or illegally. they are doing the work. Suburban white women are just riding the moralizing gravy train to self-righteousness & comfort.

Ehren Burton

I'm waiting to see the flood of people who worked/were close/adjacent to the Trump admin make a mad-dash to tell their story of how they "suffered silently" . . . for a price of course.


Have enjoyed GG’s commentary over the past decade, but it’s strange to hear him this shrill and desperate to sound cool to Dasha + Anna (which maybe speaks to their ascent and his decline?)


When that happens and is made news and your phone tries to get a "social media engagement" out of you, remember the takeaway from this episode: Hide journalism threads Ignore journalism posts Do not reply to journalism posters


Do people in the US voluntarily participate in the counting of the votings? Like when elections are called, do random people decide to volunter to count the votes? If so, that makes voter fraud more possible 👁️ last year there were elections in my country and I was forced to be at the "voting center" aka a public school of my neighbourhood to count and control the voting process and there were representatives of every main political party going around the voting tables providing information to the voters and later making sure there's no rigging later in the count. At the end of the voting process each party representative receives a paper showing the votes every party received for the Congress and the Senate. I stayed there from 7am till 2am, polls stayed open from 8am till 8pm and during the day we received the mail-in votes and is the first thing we count when the polls were closed. We were payed 60€ and by the end of the night I personally had to go to a district court and give them the information collected. We did all this manually so it tooks longer + we received around 1800 votes for the Congress + Senage. I truly believe the American voting process is designed to be uneffective and easy to rig. The Dems prolly stole the elections but the houlier than thou liberals are going to stay silent about It. They're already starting with the discourse of calling Trump a sore loser etc


"It's going to become cool for Leftists to say Trump was kind of funny and cool" - you literally already do that. You guys don't even vote.


@37:04 that explanation of the purposeful disinterest in discussing class as the determining factor in life was 👌


Late to your own podcast is baller af


It’s strange the Dems love diversity but when it comes to voting blocks it’s monolithic - the black, the Latino, the lgbt, but White gets at least divided by class.


I’m begging you guys to adjust the fucking levels. Jfc I can’t listen to this


I just wanna listen to the pod while I do the dishes! ;(


Glenn is right...Trump Derangement Syndrome is accompanied by rapid onset George W. Bush Amnesia Syndrome.


Glenn was WAY too loud. I listened in the car and had to adjust the volume just to hear the ladies.