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The ladies discuss last night's presidential debate, Trump's tax returns, Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination, and the situation in Nagorno Karabakh.



YAY I just got home from work and now a new ep 😌 <3


Eeeee what is the teeaaaaa the girls are fighting noooo 😭😭😭


just knew this episode would be great the second the debate started


explain the drama in armenia im too slow to get it


The debate was unwatchable, I don't know how you guys can remember so much of what was said. Trump was like a Wakaliwood Video Joker on khat, the moderator kept bleating and Biden just tried to plea to the home viewer sounding like the Sleepytime Tea bear. They're gonna have to cut mics next time or Trump will continue getting in between Biden's breaths like water


Re: tie discourse, trump was wearing Penn colors, which was maybe related to his jab at Joe being a bad student at a state school while he was a fancy Ivy League bitch


I thought Biden did okay, but we always have to grade him on a curve. He didn't have a stroke onstage, or start rambling about a picnic he went on in 1967, so...good job, buddy.


Re: Trump's penchant for gross hyperbole ... Dude said "the likes of which have never been seen!!!" soooooo many times LMAO


Dasha: "[Some women catastrophize politics] especially if you're an upper middle class media girl who hasn't had any real material" 💯🎯 ‼️ "(pause) challenges." ...🆗️✅


iirc the "fire and fury" international incident was b/c he was doing a presser about the opioid epidemic in Cape Cod and said "We'll respond to the problem with fire and fury the likes of...", but then he was asked about NK and he lazily repeated the exact same thing so they threatened Guam, lol

Dick Van Sexel

Trump says "stand by proud boys", and Anna says "nice... nice..."


Went to McDonald's too and they had a 81 health rating but I already paid so whatever I'm eating it lol

Sam Broadway

i think posting sporadically is the way to go. at least y’all never pretended to be on a routine. i come when you call bitches.


Strays are undoubtedly the way to go!


I can’t believe even you guys are buying this supposed non disavowal. Go back and watch the clip, Wallace asks if he’d disavow and Trump clearly says: “sure” twice, followed by “sure I’m willing to disavow.” Does that not count? Then they got lost in the details of who exactly they meant. And why would he not? White supremacists are practically a fairy tale, not exactly a huge voting demographic up for grabs.

W Milly

Wait.. do they not realise that Biden called Trump "Putin's Puppy"? "A lot of good alliterative turns of phrase from our sitting president... Mayor of Moscow, Putin's Puppy"


After enduring one week of a "light" industrial warehouse temp assignment that entailed starting transit at 6:45 a.m., I now completely understand the nihilist appeal re-electing Trump. A nice fuck-you to the world in general. Satisfying of you Anna to point out the bad faith subtext of demanding white power denunciation.


Oooh ...I want you to do a pod/vlog wherein Dasha seduces Caroline (konstnar) Grossman whilst Anna provides prompts and commentary. For the holidays!


Yaaasss we love a pro-life queen who isn’t ready for a dog

Ehren Burton

I'm sick of Trump and his act. For about a week it was funny, this late in the game it's infuriating, day after day hearing how much of a child he can continually be. No, I don't think Biden and Harris will be any better but this shit, for the past four years. I'm sick of this.


Ladies, it’s time to get Sarah Palin on the pod


Guys, "ethnically Turkish"..? There are teenage dilettantes with better understanding of the places u come from


“Hot Activist Industrial Complex”


Hey girls Ill happily help you get up to speed on constitutional law


It isn't surprising to anyone how people who haven't seen an actual tax form themselves since the 70's would be confused by how they work.


Exactly which of his policies have negatively impacted your life? Just stay off social media and you’ll be a lot happier.


Bernie would have gotten wrecked by Trump, whose whole strategy is to force his opponent to play defense on things like the Green New Deal and socialized medicine so that he doesn't have to talk about the fact that he doesn't have anything substantial to offer the American people except xenophobia and a bullish stock market.


The DOH says they're the most lethal threat to America. "sure, I'm willing to disavow" is weak.


“Is it constitutional to be THIS THIN?”


Dasha get a miniature dachshund


Ey yo wot happened to "The Simp Life"?? Got behind on my faithful listening, now it's gone? Harsh!


I’m not even trying to be controversial guys


I wonder if the ladies would vote if they were in a swing state. Seems like important context to divulge. Not voting is not as apolitically chic in NY as it would be in Florida or Michigan for example.


“white supremacy” is absolutely a semantically saturated cudgel which effectively becomes a scapegoat bin for any population the bureausticrats on the Left are willing to ostracize it’s why POTUS asked for the name of a particular group. if there’s one thing he understands it’s how named entities form in the public imagination he also just hates when anyone demands he do anything


The only Democratic candidate that would have done well in a debate with Trump is Tulsi Gabbard. She refuses to play into the "Orange Man Bad" histrionics and would have kept the discussion to the substance of the issues. Bernie Sanders unfortunately got caught up in the "Orange Man Bad" histrionics during his 2020 campaign in a bid to pander to the Democratic Party sycophants. Too bad the Democrats went with Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate who are arguably worse than Trump...Biden and Harris have spent decades championing terrible policies. This is the second time in a row that the Democratic Party has nominated someone who voted for the war in Iraq and who supported the 1994 Crime Bill. I definitely agree that the media class wants Trump to win. He's good for their business model, and he's good for distracting the general public from the substance of the issues facing us. As long as people spend energy, time, and money reacting to Trump, no one pays much attention to capitalist exploitation and US imperialism/militarism abroad.