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The ladies discuss the new race filter app Gradient, the Union Square climate change countdown clock, Alyssa Milano calling the cops on a teen, and Judith Butler's latest interview in The New Statesman.



For the 200th episode, could Anna do the whole episode in her Melania voice?


i still dont know who alyssa milano is


Yes! Thanks for speaking to emotional coercion and heinous voting fashion ❤️🙏


Dasha my love, they have been pretending she wasn’t dead. They timed this elegantly in order to help the Harris campaign with their enormous and glaring (lack of) enthusiasm problem. Like clockwork it’s mobilized the army of insane White women who are horrified by the thought of losing their most holy sacrament of ritual baby murder. The voter registration and campaign donations since her passing are a clear sign it’s worked. This is another reason team Trump is in a hurry to fill the seat, so it’s less of a campaign issue.


I agree that the way some liberals talk about abortion can be overly casual but to say that women who abort not out of economical necessity are selfish, awful and use it as intermittent birth control is a little ... IDK it just feels like your annoyance towards cringe liberals spoke for you


My ASMR is Dasha and Anna whimpering “We’re baaaack.”


Re: Butler, the News Statesman is a English publication and was asking in an English media-political context. In England the legitimacy of 'trans' as an identity is a weekly source of controversy across the mainstream political spectrum and has been for years, not least in 'left' publications like the Guardian. Within mainstream media I think TERF position is the dominant one, albeit in a kind 9f centerist, 'legitimate concerns' kind of way. Its recently been getting even nastier than normal because of Rowling shite, with 40+ yo 2nd Wave Ayotallahs like Bindel and Greer providing the direction and legitimacy for the radical mumsnet madrassas human wave attacks


I dont think that whole "narcissism desguised as victimhood" is a tendency that only women partake in, anyone could participate in it, but it is more a characteristic of the current cultural moment in which wokism exclusively tries to center race and gender over anything else plus the ongoing narcissist and individualist behaviour the culture prompts.


Wait have you guys quit drinking and podding? No. No, no, no. I disliked it enough when y'all started smoking weed while podding but look... we need Anna getting riled up and clinking those ice cubes away. That is what we are here for. That is how you two rise to your finest hours. Get back off that wagon ladies. We need you here with the rest of us.


Yeah I was wondering about that, she's probably been dead for weeks but why exactly now tho? cause it's closer to the election? Like if that's really the case they could've easily waited until like a week or few days before the election so the GOP can't pass a pick in time. But even then they could've used the lame duck session after the election to pass a SC pick I guess

Doug Dee

You are saying anything that is a social construct, by definition, is not material. Good one. Material should be reserved for those thing we can do nothing about, because they exist beyond our control. A construct is arbitrary.

Doug Dee

As someone has just told me - Butler is "THE authority on gender", and has provided me with "Gender Trouble" - you have saved me an enormous amount of time. You have no idea.


Great episode, very funny. Choosing Dershowitz "as a last fuck you to the nation" made me laugh. Also did Anna confuse the cat with her Come and See machine gun impression or am I just hearing shit. Anyway I'm looking forward to #200 where every word is sung Abby Shapiro style


I agree. I feel like I’ve just been punched in the face. Sorry to be overly earnest but this is so fucking hurtful and I’m going to take a break from RS for a while.


Now more than EVER we need pull out method truther merch ❤️


You're basically summarizing her points but then saying Judith Butler is the one "spinning her wheels". Seems like she's the one trying to put the train back on the track from the way weirdo terfs have hijacked the national media.


I love you both but the pull-out method does NOT always work and I feel pretty ok with not forcing a baby I didn’t want have me as their resentful mother. People who use abortion as a casual method of birth control sound psychotic so I’m glad I’ve never met one


anna, skip marx and read Birth Strike by Jenny Brown and then Beyond the Periphery if the Skin by Silvia Federici.


This is not playing on my iPhone


Not to harp on the subject but it’s a myth that women use abortion as a form of birth control... it’s illogical for any person to do that


"This is all non-controversial" Mmm, but Anna, is it really non-controversial to say that white people deserve to be demonized so heavily by the elite institutions because around a dozen unarmed (not necessarily not dangerous) people are killed by cops every year from a group that commits ~50% of homicides in a country of 300,000,000 people?


Do people forget you can have a baby and give it up for adoption? Lol if you don't have an abortion that doesn't mean you have to keep the baby... Also the impersonation of someone saying they loved having an abortion reminded me of lena dunham saying she wishes she had one lmao that actually happened


Yes of course, adoption is a great option for women who want to grow an actual baby for 9 months, experience labor and childbirth, then not keep that actual baby. It’s also a great option for people who equate abortion with murder. But it’s not always a great option for everyone else. The impersonation made me laugh and did also remind me of the Lena Dunham thing, which was super gross and cringe and not at all representative of how abortion should be viewed or treated.


Y’all don’t know shit about child rearing


I love it when Dasha laughs delightfully at herself.


I enjoyed the recent controversial episode where Dasha doses herself with an edible and her brain takes a trip to the moon, because she became unhinged roaring at nothing like Homer Simpson when his physics professor drops his notes. But I guess that's not what the show is about


Dasha - your thesis on menstrual suppression sounds super interesting - you might enjoy: https://www.sweeteningthepill.com/ - I went to Mt Holyoke so get the all-female college/misogyny connection (we took the merciless piss out of them in inventive and mean ways), but got indoctrinated into feminism in later life, now recalibrating on that