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The ladies discuss the situation with CHAZ, the crackdown on confederate statues and cop shows, and Chuck Wendig getting cancelled. Related reading and viewing below.

Amanda Hess, The Protests come for 'Paw Patrol' 

Matt Taibbi, The American Press is Destroying Itself

The Bellows, Conversation with Adolph Reed and Walter Benn Michaels



‘It was only a matter of time before the protests came for “Paw Patrol.”’.... ⚰️

ja ak rtgr

now this is an epic intro.


It's like The Social Network starting before the logos but if Eisenberg and Rooney Mara were also the sound engineers


i listened to the beginning of this and i liked it, thanks. here's a pastebin of the only relevant hakim bey (not a fan really but i am an anarchist so i've read him): https://pastebin.com/mmURvuaa


"Instrument of cultural re-education" lol so russian


Proliferation of uber-saccharine Capitalist Koons sculptures is a fantastiche idea.


jesus christ hire a producer. the beginning was garbage in terms of sound editing.


Bon appetit example doesn’t work because Claire is fatter than the korean girl


is dasha ok


What I hate is that both the CHAZ crowd and conservative are blowing up the importance of this glorified street festival. Election year, I guess. But they were interviewing an electrician on WaPo who quit his high paying prevailing wage job to play guard. He was sold false hope that CHAZ will change anything and he is fucked as soon as this whole thing collapses


Dasha we luv u


Thank you for adding the references 🙏🏼


It seems to me that the punishments being visited upon these statues are the punishments protesters would visit upon the 1% and the ruling class if they could get close enough (and get away with it). That’s what the protests are really about, whether anyone (black or white) knows it: long-standing wage stagnation and wealth inequality; Covid-19 and its stresses was the straw that broke the donkey’s back, then a cop came and knelt on its neck for nine minutes.


Dasha should try and meditate


Has Dasha ever considered she has bi polar II- it’s like bi polar but less extreme in terms of mood swings


I use to live in the area of Capital Hill, which is CHAZ. I no longer live in Seattle (thank god), but when I heard this burner-esque shit state took over, I wasn’t surprised. That city is the love child of a neoliberal tech bro and an Evergreen State trustafarian. CHAZ a larping playground, just like how Burning Man became a self-expression LARP party for rich techies. It’s merely symbolic. It won’t change anything. Might as well call it the Chad zone. This should be the mascot or state bird for CHAZ: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_gkxtik0Rkg


To your point about being “unpaid interns” of Twitter: Have you ladies heard of Jaron Lanier? He has some interesting points about social media and giving away our data for free. Just a suggestion! ❤️


CHAZ/CHOP = V2 Karens LARPing as crust punks.


dasha just uses terms


Dasha - it's gonna be OK. Try meditating and turning off social media. And connecting with nature. Twitter is not the real world by a long shot. Also, if you are pessimistic about the future you haven't studied crypto and digital assets which will create a level economic playing field between global superpowers and developing nations and individuals alike (per "the sovereign individual"). This has the potential to create unprecedented global harmony. So, yeah, of course the US is definitely cucked hardcore, but there is a true paradigm shift occurring in the background. PEACE I love you guys


Dang when these broads are on point they are so on point. The most redeeming ep in weeks. I tip my top hat to you! 🎩 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


In the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, smoking outside the smoking area is considered especially heinous.


Vamos a la playa!


Referring to chaz as the zone made me immediately imagine it as the zone from roadside picnic


Atlanta is a good show


Is Dasha still on addy ?


„The times are a-changin, like for real“


“Don’t kill yourself Dasha, Bitcoin is coming.” Maybe reconsider trying to help.


Best episode of this whole crazy year methinks