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Amber A'Lee Frost is back again to talk with the ladies about the Central Park Karen, Jia Tolentino's human trafficking apologia, and Jimmy Fallon getting "cancelled" for blackface.



I’m white but I grew up poor


Get a Doja Cat on the pod


amber is annoying af


The visas amber is talking about are no joke. My friends employ people from Peru through that and if one of the employees abscond, they blacklist the whole family (and oftentimes brothers and uncles and fathers all do this type of work so it can really fuck people up). (I believe it’s the headhunter company that has this policy but I’m not sure)

Stephanie Han Sola

Like stfu why are yall defending that Karen bitch, guess Karen's gotta have each others back. Not surprised. Like black men get killed by cops all the time and white women use that as a weapon. Stfu.


I like anna and dasha but they have a pretty big blind spot when it comes to race tbh


I want to preface this by saying I am 100% on bird Karen’s side, Don’t fuck with the Ramble and Dog Karen was clearly trying to leverage the police in the most despicable and racist way: BUT! As said on the pod, only in central park could a Karen exercise something like this. While the poor are allowed in central park, the people who use it daily and follow it’s bureaucracy and disregard it are the elite Manhattanites. They pay an obscene amount of money to access this liberal-guilt-free country club, paid for by the public, but enforced by private real estate. Unfortunately though the perks of membership and the rules aren’t equally applied to the guests because they rely on traditional and unfair systems. Bird Karen is using the internet to correct the old order, because apparently “When you're alone in the Ramble, you don't know what's happening” and she didn’t see that his Harvard pedigree trumped her Fin tech salary. 

The Internet mob that went after her is an illustration of the truer restorative HR justice that we as a society supposedly adhere to. This Karen and the internet jumped at the chance to see if not only was it really true, but as a duty to others. Part of the reason the mayor, her job, and other bureaucratic institutions all were able to make a statement and take action on this is because it is such an obvious dunk. She is being KKK racist in the video so it’s not really brave to speak up about this, but sociological duty to make sure you are on the right side. Why would anyone think you would be on the other side?

 Yes, this lady could commit suicide because her life was so uprooted having lost not only her job and whatever social relationships she had professionally, but her dog as well, wouldn’t be the first time the internet justice has done this. Yes, He could have recorded this video merely to show the police as evidence and kept it moving, but he deliberately put it online with the intention to ruin this woman. This is restorative justice and a sign to Dog Karen’s who think because of their class/race/gender they don’t need to follow the rules in the Ramble and the days of leveraging your race are over. 

The media hysterical really makes me wonder: Would this lady even know to call the cops hysterically about a black man/Would this guy even know to post this video on the internet if our society’s true power didn’t lie in mob mentality or the abuse of class reputation? Would the internet know to emphasize his elite status/value and back story not only because they need him to be disarmed so they don’t accidentally take her side, but because most poor POC would have gotten out of there not even confronted her out of fear and the belief that society isn’t actually fair? Is the fact that in her apology she emphasized that she is “not a racist” more about ejection from the upper class over a misunderstanding than a genuine guilt of what she did? 
Does his Pious response “if it's genuine and if she plans on keeping her dog on a leash in the Ramble going forward, then we have no issues with each other.” Absolve the everyone of collective liberal guilt for exercising power?


Stout does not mean ‘short’. For some reason this annoyed me...the ‘policing’..and getting it wrong. :/


Once again everyone has failed to realize that the birds are responsible for this. They despise being looked at by weirdo birders, they despise the drooling mongrels who would accept treats from creepy loser comic book nerd birder strangers, and most of all they despise the the shrill screeching of white women into their phones. This is ultimately why they act as agents of the CIA, to manufacture incidents like this and further accelerate the destruction of a society full of retards.


Ladies, if you’re so confident in your take on this frankly sickening incident by all means PLEASE have the bravery to post it on your public platform and promote it.


in tandem we get the black guy in minneapolis killed by a cop and then a karen calling the cops on a black guy, and of course they do a full psychoanalysis on the histrionics of white women (once again) and completely evade the more macabre and high caliber discussion of police brutality


amber is not good in this one

W Milly

Iunno guys you are starting to sound like you're making excuses for some racist shit... the woman was faking being attacked by a black man to the police and you're saying she should be excused cause of covid and whatever stress she was under? She's was a fuckin liberal financial manager, her life deserves to be ruined for literally anything.


please do a pod about doja cat getting cancelled


"stepping on that guys neck and shit".. this man died and if you'd addressed that you'd have a much more interesting episode


The only thing I disagreed with the wammin about in this one is the fact that the poor dog was definitely getting choked the fuck out from her holding him like that


true insult to Aimee and Angela that Amber often gets associated with them.


LOVE your podcast. Discovered you a week before Quar and look forward to it every time. Unfortunately everyone was talking over each other today. Your guest kept interrupting. I turned it off because I couldn’t understand what was happening. Just some feedback. Look forward to the next one.

Ehren Burton

I appreciate Dasha for trying to get to the point that if it weren't for the threat, "I'm going to tell them there's an African American man is threatening my life," then it wouldn't be such a big deal. As soon as she pulled the race card, this man was threatened with arrest, losing his life or, in the very least, an annoying round of questions as he tried to explain himself. As a Black man, I understand his decision to record her for evidence. Innocent or Black people committing crimes, not deserving of the death penalty, are killed far too often by police or trigger-happy nuts. As a result, we're a bit on edge. She could've just cussed him out and told him to mind his business (its what I would've done), then it would only be two Karens having it out.


Dogs were forced to be leashed because of squirrels, not birds. There was a study done where squirrels were shown to have more stress and shorter lives when dogs were allowed to chase them all the time. "While squirrels are cute and approachable, they can bite (and often do!). Squirrels are afraid of dogs and try to stay away from red-tailed hawks. Dogs should not be allowed to chase squirrels. Please keep your dog on a leash. " https://www.nycgovparks.org/programs/rangers/wildlife-management/squirrels


lmao so many mad people in the comments.

philip podolsky

Dunno if the ladies have a “blind spot on race” as much as they contest race as the universal explanatory factor for power relations in US society but y’all ain’t ready for this conversation nuh uh...


demonic episode


I just appreciate the stream of consciousness on the dog fucking bit. Was laughing hysterically about getting fucked by a dog this weekend. That is all.


"Tulsi Gabbord panty sniffer"


Aaron mate a possible next guest??


Bird Karen is really hot.


What’s the immigrant book amber mentions


You can use race as a useful analytical tool to understand "power relations in the US" without declaring it as the "universal explanatory factor" for said relations. I don't think they did either in this episode.


I've always appreciated how Anna and Dasha incorporate their perspectives as (white) immigrants into their analysis, especially because it's so useful for critiquing some of the race-based identity politics BS that we encounter today. But this episode was.. not good... I love how they dismiss the central park incident as a battle between 2 "Karens" but then spend half of the episode gossiping about Jia Tolentino (a boring person who is boring to talk about & if I have to hear her name on the pod again I'm gonna assume you guys are at least a little bit jealous of her) and repeating how "Americans" fail to understand the complexities of immigration, etc... As a fan of the pod and as a non-American, I just want to ask, how did you guys gain this super power that grants you the ability to see past race and nationality? While the masses are blinded by racism, you guys act like you see through it and can extrapolate the bigger issues at work.. But like, you all sound pretty fucking American lmao and also pretty white (I'm saying your takes more or less align with a group of people that you seem to believe you ~transcend~). Maybe I'm more frustrated at Amber (I don't listen to CTH regularly so don't her v well) and her condescending tone lol. With everything going on in Minnesota, maybe it would be productive to invite a guest speaker who could provide a different perspective on race? You guys sound just as lame as the woke types who virtue signal when you callously dismiss shit like this. It's getting pretty old tbh. Still a fan tho & still looking forward to the next ep... 


Amber doesn't listen to anything Dasha and Anna say... not so much a "conversation" as it is one person on a stream-of-consciousness roll which is briefly intersected by the other two ladies...


amber is super annoying in this lolllll


“two Karens doing battle in the wild” lmao


oh my god anyone whos heard Im a little teapot would know stout does not mean short


Alright, I was inspired: https://www.buzzfeed.com/manicpixiedreamcyborg/which-type-of-white-woman-are-you-9oxo24218b?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bfsharecopy


I unsubscribed from Patreon following this episode as I’m over the half-baked callous takes on any subject that doesn’t coincide with the ladies special interests of lana del ray or christopher lasch. See you in hell!


There's some good stuff in here. As a parent, I do NOT want my kids to be responsible for my sins as I am not for my parents. I can only hope they'll be in eternal denial of my faults.


I just resubscribed to Patreon cause I missed their half-baked callous takes :\

Sam Broadway

wait until people watch that entire SNL clip and realize Jimmy Kimmel did two bouts of blackface.


Same vibe. The pods are way better when it’s just Anna and Dasha, from a pure listenability perspective. On this ep, I don’t think either A or D finished a single thought without the guest hijacking it.


I have to agree with Anna & Dasha, Amber is the greatest pod guest


Such a great episode, bring back Amber ❤️. The last few episodes are a bit too weight-focused for me as a fat person (although as witty as usual ofc)