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Amber A'Lee Frost stops by the pod to chat about the State of the Union address, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bernie Sanders, and the Gucci "blackface" mask


Michael Kaitis

i just got a notification for this and said “yas kweens” outloud


the obesity bit is huge...i got fat from barely exercising for many years and i'm FINALLY getting into strength training. being fat is legit so uncomfortable (and exercise feels great!) but for years i couldn't articulate it and body positivity made it harder. i just needed someone to make exercise more accessible (Ask A Swole Woman helped!). but i keep expecting people to accuse me of trying to be a "good fatty" (google it if you want a bad time!).

Dale Brennan

This is a perfect Birthday Present for me! Thank you ladies!!


right and there's this assumption that if you want to change your body that must mean you hate yourself and it's like...no i literally like myself! that's why i'm doing it!


They should rename the pod Squirt Town bc it’s the female cum town right?


Best episode in a while.