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The ladies are joined by Dan Allegretto to chat about Woody Allen's teen lover, Ashley Judd's draconian definition of sex work, and developments in the Russian collusion narrative



dan is a great guest


I think the most important part of the whole issue with Ashley Judd and the Wing is that it was a learning experience for well meaning #girlbosses to see that patriarchy also comes in the form of other white women and the importance of nuance. No one really cares what Ashley Judd thinks except that her activism is hurting the very people she intends to help (victims of human trafficking who are still sex workers, for example), and that at this talk there was no one to offer another perspective on the topic of sex work, like an actual sex worker. There were sex workers who worked at the Wing who left after this.


honestly, i'd be upset if you spent my money on anything but Botox.


Twisted off the edibles