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The ladies discuss Azealia Banks’ viral flamewar against Grimes and Elon Musk, examine Omarosa’s allegations that Trump said the n-word and unpack the second act of white power flunkies Unite The Right


Pabst Beer Pussies

The ladies discuss Azealia Banks' viral flamewar against Grimes and Elon Musk,  examine Omarosa's allegations that Trump said the n-word and unpack the second act of white power flunkies Unite The Right



I’m a Gemini let’s fuck


So much scorpio ignorance

Cody Roach

1) black bloc is a tactic, not a group. 2) Street militancy is a small part of what antifascists groups do. Who do you think it is deplatforming these people? Pressuring for their removal from payment services? Taking down websites? Outing them publicly? 3) Y'all might only know trust fund antifa because you know a lot of trust fund people (or because you assume people you don't like have them, or because y'all live in new york). Every committed antifascist I know works hard for a living. 4) Street militancy is effective. Alt-right rallies were steadily growing in size up until Charlottesville last year. They collapsed after Charlottesville because they were met with popular resistance backed up by militancy. These people are looking to hurt people. They uniformly believe that socialists should be killed. If 500 nazis show up in my town, and I'm out there with the DSA or whatever telling them that their presence is not welcome, I want to be surrounded by armed people ready to defend us when the nazis decide we're in their way. 5) A lot of antifa are queer people, trans people, people of color, and undocumented people. This is not a joke for them; if fascists are allowed to run amuck their lives will be at risk. They are defending themselves. 6) you drastically underestimate the popularity of white nationalism. You don't see them in the open (because, thanks to antifascist organizing, it is dangerous for them to do so) but we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. European fascists have massive rallies and serious political parties; resisting them at every turn keeps that from happening here. 7) yeah, harassing journalists is dumb as hell


here's the problem: you drastically, dramatically underestimate the number of people who, to you, look exactly like white nationalists on the outside, but would be the first ones to defend, in the moment, against actual racism or fascism. that is the fundamental problem with antifa. Mob mentality makes you blind to an accurate representation of reality; your entire purpose in life is to seek confirmation of your bubble-bias. In 2018 the safest place for a black person is in a southern country diner filled with white people with guns. The most dangerous place is inner city Oakland, and soon, I'm assuming, Portland.