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Rami is a naughty boy. He likes to practice the ancient demon arts that his dad would rather their family not mess with too much. It's less of a problem to him if they're doing it in a way that is unapparent to mortals, but it usually pushes the boundaries a bit. He's the one of his siblings that tends to want to fool around with it the most. He's just curious about it, and the results are usually fun, if not terrifying. Today he's practicing the ability to phase through matter. Solid inanimate things are easy... living, sentient beings are different, but he's able to make it work! ... with only a minor problem.

This comic also elaborates a bit on his brother, Zeus. They're the same age, probably share a birthday even, but they're very different. Zeus is more stoic, more studious, and takes himself a bit more seriously. He's still prone to "bro" behavior to some extent, but to a lesser degree. He carries himself with a more serious demeanor. They tend to get into situations like this, due to Rami's nonsense.

We also get to see their half otter brother Levi here, but only briefly. He's a meathead that is always lifting. One of the naughtier brothers though less of a rascal than Rami, though I'm sure he enjoys dabbling in some demon magics for fun. He seems like he's enjoy being destructive for kicks.

This was a comic I made on the fly, freehand, so the lines are a bit rough and thinner than usual but I actually really love this one, to the point that I "finished" it up and gave it some halftones. Hope yall  find it cute, and enjoy some cheesecake demon nudity.



Ryan McBear

I wanna see more of Levi 👉👈


Tsk tsk demon dad won't be happy