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A silly sketch of yours truly after being dunked/pushed into a pool... I can't swim. I've never learned, never grew up around pools or had any other opportunities to really learn. I had my first real pool experience back in September while I was in Orlando and it was frankly terrifying. But fun. Scary. But amusing.

Well, my own inability to swim aside, I'm sure my fursona can manage to some extent. In the meantime... enjoy the view!




hot butt *grin

Andy S

Something you and I have in common Vasuki, I can't swim either. My elementary school made us take swimming lessons and I learned that I have a fear of deep water (also didn't help being teased and bullied by classmates). So I participated in the lessons from first grade to third grade, but struggled to get past the first level. From fourth grade to sixth grade, didn't participate at all and absolutely refused to participate (didn't make my teachers happy).