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Hey supporty guys and gals! 

A break from the horny stuff--the first leg of the story will largely take place in Kan Rein City on Serko, homeworld of Nytro and Twix. Zofie's homeworld is Berhil, another planet in the same system, but her story begins moving here.

So a few obvious things: Kan Rein is not a planet-spanning city, nor is it the only megolopolis on Serko, but by far the largest. The map I've made of Serko i'd say is not 100% finalized, but maybe 90%. The scale -should- be correct, there's one main continent here, the rest of the relatively small planet water-covered, which will have relevance later. I went into some thought and detail about certain structures, buildings, and views to better get a feel for this, and hopefully I could use some 3D elements later on to be even more consistent.

Serko has rings, and part of the function of the defense installations is to wipe out aberrant asteroids that bounce out of the rings. Another is to wipe out any within the Retizan System as a whole, protecting Berhil and other planets. A third function is FTL projectiles with the system rings above, as well as bending light for direct-energy applications. It can fire kinetic or thermal outputs, and they existed far outside of the cities originally,but as the cities grew, it makes it look like the things were just slapped in the middle of the bay.

A lot of this is...relatively superficial and while will be mentioned in the story, it's mostly background funsies for right now, and will help elaborate on some professions, resources, and politics later on. 

I hope some of you find this fun!



Doktor Rocker

That defense installation caught my eye. I can only imagine how tall that thing is both from the ground AND from top to bottom. Also FTL projectiles sounds super cool.


I'm really glad to be seeing more about the sci fi world, Kan Rein is a super cool city just based on what little we've seen


I continue to be jazzed as hell for this sci-fi comic. It's been so many years now, and I can't wait.


These are some genuinely sick designs! Your world building never ceases to amaze me, and the same goes for your ability to create realistic looking landscapes and cityscapes and just... all kinds of stuff! I look forward to reading this and would love it if we got occasional extra pages that just go into more detail about "things" that otherwise wouldn't be touched on in the story itself.

Justice Taylor

If Nytro and Sophie's homeworlds are in the same system, does that mean their system has a giant habitable orbit zone or just very powerful teraforming tech?


This map looks awesome! Awesome enoughy to be in a DND setting honestly