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Finished that Rarity, went a little extra because she's easy on the markings and I love her. Was fun! Got a good couple of requests in this month, hope to do a few more in between further comic concept and development pieces in Feb!

Thank you all for supporting me this month, I know it's been tough for a lot of folks, and you paying for my food, shelter, and life is beyond everything I could've hoped for. I will keep doing my best to deliver good work and make the pledges worth it--something I know that could use more streams and stream rewards, trust me, i'm trying! Every bit is greatly appreciated!!

HD of this, and more, in the 5$ ZIPs, PSDs in the 10$ ZIPs, will post later today after I wake up!




A fine piece of marshmallow <3

闫胤翔 张

I want to kiss her ! :P