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Sort of a request-style doodle in an effort to keep things moving instead of having week or more in between art updates... I did this as a self-amusing doodle the other week and thought it was fun and different enough to colour-sketch it. I know it's not my usual, but HEY, some times it be like that.




Snakes eyes can't blink. They have a protective cover and are always open with no eyelids. That being said, who needs realism? Hopefully Viper has those retractable fangs and not fixed fangs or rear fangs. That would probably make that experience not as good.


I like when you do unusual stuff, so keep doodling :P

Patrick Bradley

Is this the first NSFW feral piece you've done? it's amazing how you make anything look great Fluff


I don't know if it is Fluff's first, but it looks great!


I would certainly love more of this.

Kira Kathell

few panels later it's just a ball filled with cum


Godamm. Excluding everything else Po’s packing !