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Edit: I messed up on the Poll, and Patreon doesn't let you edit it, so...had to repost it!

Little later than I meant to put this up, thanks to HUGE order volume (you guys sold out my Milestones 4 and female ahegao bands..trying to restock asap!)

The results from the 'interest gauge' were pretty interesting! Some I expected to be low were, and others way above what I thought. I get that this can go up or down over time, and it's just trying to gauge what folks are interested in at this moment. So narrowing down from 32, I picked the top 8 here.

This is for an NSFW Pinup, so think traditionally, sensually-oriented, as opposed to some other pinups that -may- have NSFW alts but include concept work, lore, landscape/cityscape, etc. The result may be hardcore explicit, or tasteful, depending on character and what I can think up, but the vote is open til Friday!

Other thoughts:

VST got quite a few, neat! At 52, he was close to being on here, however, I did recently do him and Warning in a picture, so given they were tied with some of the others here, I filtered them off this poll. Same with Aurora, I did recently draw her as well, but she got 59, which was nice to see as well!

I also realize I forgot Siren, my fault since they were so new I haven't added them to the roster here yet. Silk also wasn't on here, I need to finish her picture and develop her a bit.

ARA, I think, will always remain top. She got 132 mentions which was far beyond the next highest, Ayn, at 79. ARA has a wide range of concepts and moods that can be applied to some pinups, even NSFW ones, so I think she remains versatile. I just need to bring some of that character versatility forward with most other OCs so that it won't just feel like they win and get the same kind of picture again.

Usually if a character like ARA, Ayn, Warning, etc who wins a lot, does win, I try to make the resulting image different enough from the last few pictures I've done with them. Was it tasteful NSFW, hardcore, environment-oriented, situational, etc.

Some of these have very little work done of them, like Hazel, Kacey, Gaz, Kiga, even Vale, Emerald, and some others. If lesser ones pull through I think I'd like to make their pictures more character-involved, perhaps with more alts/dialogue or such, so help establish them a little more and make folks more aware of them. Double so for the ones that have future plans/comic with.



One of these days we'll see more of Kacey or Emerald.❤


I’d love to see more of Lia


Les have more Tala!


The failures of democracy


Not gonna lie, I'm mostly here for Ara and the world she's directly a part of, I'd love to see a comic.. even non lewd, about a mission or such from that world rather than the random predator fuck comics.

Markius Fox

Voting for Lia, with a secondary for Zeta.


We so Badly need more Nytro that perfect boy


Awh, no VST :(

Daki Suggester

Yes, the toaster from The Brave Little Toaster is always underrepresented in these polls.


I was gonna go for Nytro but then I saw how much momentum Lia has I just had to vote for her I always love seeing her!

Diamondstorm (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 11:01:17 Pleasantly surprised to see Hazel make the cut! Wish she had more votes, I'd love to see her get a proper spicy pinup <3
2022-08-10 23:04:19 Pleasantly surprised to see Hazel make the cut! Wish she had more votes, I'd love to see her get a proper spicy pinup <3

Pleasantly surprised to see Hazel make the cut! Wish she had more votes, I'd love to see her get a proper spicy pinup <3


We need to see more Lia!