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More from 'Artist's Choice', my long-neglected fursona, Rane!

It's been a hot minute since we've seen him...to be honest, part of that is a lot of OC theft or others that did heavy-referencing, that while not as bad, did over time bring him down a little for me... wanting to overcome my mentality with that, I took it as a chance to revamp his design a little bit. The biggest differences are in wings and body, though a slight hair tweak and dark eyebrows for contast, and overall, I'm quite happy with his design again!

This pose was an unused one from his original pinup back in Sept 2016, so it is very similar intentionally. Nice to 'spot the differences' both in design and my skill, between the 6 years (sheesh i'm old).

Rane is my more 'artist' fursona, and drawn only with my girl's OC Rei, whilst Kano the lion is my more 'life' fursona, if that makes sense. It's hard to put into words. 




He is such a good looking boy


This dude used to be my crush

Justice Taylor

Is this new version of Rane allowed to be shown with more humanoid genitals? I find the new double knot interesting. And Rane's sheath is always cute.


love ur birb


Glad to see more Art of Rane! Love his galaxy pants :P


Soo nice to see him again. Also I want his pants soo cool!