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Page 64! I included p63 here for context, since 64 by itself reads a little odd if you don't come right off the heels of it.. but when you sit and read it at once it should be OK.

Sorry for the wait..believe me, I've been incredibly eager to get back into it! It's been almost 2 months since the sketch for this page, and I'm quite happy with the end. A good mix of stuff happening and stuff laid out, I'm overall pretty set with how the next several pages goes, and can see a lot of fun with it.

Hope y'all enjoy! I always love hearing what you folks have to say, means a lot, even if it's short!



Ikarus Wolf

Always love seeing your beautiful work fk, still want to see more Avian characters from you some of the best I've seen ❤️


Interesting so it basically created and fosters anthros in the Pred world in general.


Bailey is the best, can’t wait to see more of her 🥰

Antoine Davis

Page looks fantastic! I really like that we're getting more lore/explanations for the Denya. Another thing i wonder is with the Denya that grew in on the pillar was surrounded by the mountain peaks water, unless it's meant as a main location for Denya by the spirits and thus you'd need to collect it and plant it. Though, where would they need to be planted? In specific areas or just anywhere? But yeah, page looks fantastic, I also really like the map and effects used on this page. Can't wait to see what happens next!



Lord Chaos

"Aurora that's lewd." Says the bear being mounted by a ram.


Good lord that stamina


That's Tala talking. Bailey has no idea what's going on in the other room lol.


"Sapience uplifting through cum beans" is not how I thought this was going to play out when these comics started, but it works! So any time they go plant one of the monolith wifi extenders, they need to "celebrate" right on top of it. ;D


Inb4 bear/ram croasbreed ;3


Oh, well that explains predators of kilimanjaro then!

Patrick Bradley

Well worth the wait and like Ive said before your art is top tier and well worth the pledge


Loving this so much!


Goat man’s getting tough on her💦💦💦

The Friendly Deathclaw

New pages are always well worth the wait Fluff!! And boi Massak is really "Ramming" Bailey good now!! Great work Fluff, love it.


Here's hoping she gets preggers 🤞


Hope Tala, Bailey and Mihari are all knocked up by this point


"Eat magic seeds! Breed with prey!" ...And that's how you start a religion. (I'd sign up.) Well worth the wait, Fluff! Keep up the great work!


That is lewd, indeed. And that's not a complaint.


Nice work man my good. Hope the move went well and keep up the good work lad ❤


Wouldn't mind for this wild ride to continue another 60+ pages :)


'Thats lewd' what an absolutely meta thing to say... lol love it!


I know there's lore happening right now, but I can't take my eyes off Bailey getting her behind blown out! OwO


me too, she deserves to be fucked properly :D and this position is just pure perfection xD

E. S. Lapso (Sky)

Okay Tala, getting told "hey that sheep.jist knocked you up" was chill but "oh yeah the magic seeds need creampies to grow" is the line? Lol oh sweet child

Deciem X

This is some of most in-depth plot I've seen during a sex scene in a furry comic. Well done, Fluff.