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Aloha everybody! Pardon my brief dust, in case people did not hear, or see on Twitter, i just wanted to post a quick notice so that no one thinks I'm being either lazy or dead.

Currently moving! Half of our stuff is in boxes, and half of it is at the old crummy apt, half at new place. So give me another day or two to start streams and art again, and a few after that i should be fully up to speed.

"Didn't you move last year? " i did! Rei and i moved halfway across the world and it took a whole month. Now it's just across island, and should only take like 7 days. Currently on day 4. New place is quiet, space to work and grow, and save a lot of time doing stuff. Nothing fancy, but a needed change.

So pardon my dust for a bit, pray for my legs, and I'll be back art soon--i really want this move to be over so i can draw, trust me. Thank you all for the patience! I'll make up for the lull later after this is set.



You take your time. This isn’t easy so take the time you need. We’ll be here


Yeah you do you man, I know how stressful moving is I’m currently moving to the other side of the world very stressful


Enjoy your new place Fluff!

Markius Fox

Rest assured, I'll be buying more stuff from the etsy store once the dust settles a bit. Just wish the review system would recognize when you purchased the same thing a few times.

Antoine Davis

Wish you and Rei the best!

Rahirrah Krasker

No worries Fluff. Take your time.... get settled in first i'd say. Gottah feel comfy first without tenthousand things still roaming your mind. Finish moving first... one thing after another


Hope you don't mind me asking but I'm curious, where are you now? Since you talked about islands? still in the US?


If I may ask and it’s not private info, where are ya moving from and to. And where did you initially move from (I’m a geography nerd so that’s the only reason I ask hehe)


Congrats fluff and fren! Having just moved (again) myself, I understand the annoyances of moving. Take all the time ya need!


Take your time don't worry : )


Take it easy dude and stay safe!


Good luck on the move, man! Go easy on the back!


Good luck with the move, and enjoy the new place!


Positive vibes your way!


Just knowing you're safe and well is good enough news for me and many others. You take your time and get settled in, take care of yourself man! :)


I had to move twice within about half a year and, oh boy, do I understand the pain. I hope you like your new place.


Ooo! What island?


Moving is shitty, and expensive; don't stress too much, we are all with you, in spirit at least :3


Stay safe out there, any move can be stressful. This one moreso but by the end you'll have a marvelous place to recover and flourish.


good luck! happy moving!


Good luck! I recommend wearing boots instead of sneakers/trainers while moving heavy stuff. Will save the insoles of your feet and help your legs withstand the weight as well. As someone who has also moved across oceans and islands several times, I consider myself a pro hahah ^_^;;


Glad to hear your move is going well and I hope the rest goes well too. Don't lift anything too heavy.


Man, moving sucks, you have my sympathy...

Justice Taylor

You're still my inspiration. Frequent breaks will never change my confidence in your expanding gallery

Sakura Wulf

I've moved so much that I graduated 4th, 5th, and 6th grades at different schools. Then 10th, 11th, and 12th at different schools. As long as it's the right choice for you... moving isn't so bad but it can become a lifestyle... and not a healthy one.