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Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

It is now 2022! What does that mean for me and my work? Looking back at the New Years' 2021, I got more done than I thought I would, so that's good at least. However, I want to be a bit more realistic on some of my goals, so let's see...

Predators: A lot of you would like to see more worldbuilding with the scifi setting, and since that's where my main focus will be after Predators 2, I'd say finishing that is definitely a big one. I really want to finish this comic this year--and get it out in print, too. A regular version and a special edition, with more pages/content and guest art, fancier cover, etc.

A Discord server:  I've been saying this for a while, and I know I'm quite late on it, but I think I -need- one for easy reference and centralized contact of my content. I don't want it to be big...lot of people have Discord servers already, I feel like adding one more will just make it lost in a sea...but I guess we'll find out!

Merch: Last year I got Nytro and Warning's dakis out, this year I'd like at least 2-3 more, to be voted on by you guys. I also want more stickers available ... (which is this month's main project focus) ... both in digital form and physical forms. I don't quite know what kind of stickers people like for physical merch... whole-body character shots? Symbolic/non-furry-specific stickers? I'll need some feedback on this one.

Misc: 3D work would be fun to pick back up again. It's been a while. Animation, too. I think if Predators is finished, 2022 could be the year I finally start the primary story in the Rishan Galaxy. Non-art wise, I'd also like to try streaming some more games, since that's my usual de-stress, wind-down activity, so perhaps I'll dust off my Twitch account.

Comment! If there's other things i've talked about or forgotten here, let me know below! It's hard to remember them off the top of my head, so I'll update this list if I need it. I have a few surprises planned/started too, that i want to wait on before dropping, so this isn't everything, but it is the most I can promise!

Thank you all so, -SO- much for the support...after feeling like a failure after college years ago, I never thought I could actually succeed in art elsewhere. You guys always keep me motivated to create...thank you for that.




Super excited for what’s to come! You’re easily my favorite artist in the fandom : )


Sounds great on all fronts! For stickers, I'd say whole body shots of characters and emotes would be great. As for the prospect of animations that sounds amazing given how clean the Ayn one came out! Would also be nice to see you do game streams some time as a break between art as well. Here's to 2022!


I'd join a discord!


✨keep on keepin on✨literally everything you do is golden. Excited for more Predators 2. Might be the first physical nsfw comic I actually buy. Discord would be fun.


I'd love to see some occasional landscape pics. You do lovely landscape, especially space. :D


Predators is how I truly found ya. I’m almost saddened to see it someday end. I thank you for being a part of entertaining me this year with your art

Antoine Davis

So far everything sounds pretty awesome! I'd really like to see you stream games! Also, I think full body stickers and symbolic stickers sound cool. Can't wait for more Predators 2, and that sounds awesome for both the regular and special edition versions! I'm also excited for a Discord server, I was thinking that there could be a channel/gallery for people to post their art, sfw and nsfw would be cool to do. But yeah, can't wait to see what you do for 2022!


It has been an absolute treat watching your art grow over the years. Cheers to you.


All this stuff sounds great! I'm excited to see how these things pan out.


I’d love to join your Discord server. Any chance the special edition will have more AskaXBailey?

Setsune Wave

Sounds good to me! In terms of stickers, besides the usual cute characters, I think ones that work well are the minimalist designs that are not exactly stealth, but don't process at first glance. Like logo-izing a character's face in a slightly abstract way, as an example.

Daki Suggester

Yay dakis! That's why I'm here. Take my money!


The Warning and Bailey stickers are pog, need more goofy mugshots like those.

The Friendly Deathclaw

Happy New Year Fluff!! It's been my pleasure watching you improve over the years!! Also I wonder if you could have cosmetic roles as for the discord based off the 5 anthroids, like we are different ship's versions of them like Silk, Sata, and Kobalt are for ARA.


Happy New Year, Fluff! I'm really excited that you want to work on a world-building comic after Predators. I've always wanted to know more about the world you've been creating all these years! (Also I will always be for more ARA and the other Anthroids) I would really like a FluffKevlar discord where the community can interact more. Plus, I want to use Fluff-created emotes in all my other discords, hehe. For merch and stickers in particular, I'd like to see some logos and designs from the sci-fi side of things in your stories. For example, like the company/gov agency logo/insignia that ARA, Nyt, Vik, etc. work for. Also, I'd totally watch you play games on your Twitch if you decide to do that sometimes. Anyways, thanks for all that you do, Fluff, and cheers to a new year!

Not Telling

I'm in a couple artists' discord servers, so that's an exciting bit! And more comic work in the sci-fi setting after Preadators will definitely be fun. Stuff with Ayn and the synths is something to look forward to.


Merry new year and these sound good m8, look forward to the content!


Super excited to see everything this year

Deciem X

Happy New Year, Fluff! I look forward to whatever new ideas you have for us. Wishing you happy holidays/birthday/new year, and the very best for you and Rei for this next year.


Let's be real, Fluff. You make a discord, it's gonna end up big. You may as well just face that fact now. :P

Nuwa Nightstone

I have a suggestion, when you create the stickers, boost up your discord server and use them as Emojis.


could always use krystal and wolf_o'donnell art? :p

Sakura Wulf

More Silk , Vikna, and Zofie if there is to be more sci-fi world building so I'm all for it.