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Page 55! "Plop!"

I had this set of motions planned out in my head, and hoped that it'd come across well in comic form. So here's hoping! If it's hot, but still gives you a wee chuckle, a gentle chortle, then goal met.




Faceslapped with a huge cock

Patrick Bradley

I'm gonna be sad when this masterpiece finaly comes to an end

The Friendly Deathclaw

Bailey: "Hey these aren't my glasses!" I gotta say I like seeing his cum leaking out of her <3


I’m sure turned on by this messy orgasm.

Antoine Davis

Looks awesome so far, great job! Also "Smack!"


Love how well you portray motion


Oh dear god that mess.

Cult of Dust

Why does the thought of getting cockslapped look so good?

Lupo Mikti

Honestly the plap wasn't even what got the chuckle out of me, it's that lip bite in the last panel, all I can think about is the dumb emoji when I look at it xD But phew! That's a heavenly mess right there, definitely envious of Bailey right now x3


will we be getting cute ram/ wolf crossbreeds in the future? ^^


The only time getting slapped in the face with a wet floppy thing can be considered good


Tala looking confident and satisfied in that afterglow. Though Massak's got a look going on in that last panel. Hopefully our little wolf didn't bite off more ram than she could dick... Er, chew. ;p