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Page 48! Both gals get to work on their meal, and both have their own way of doing it. But one thing is for sure, that it'll be a while before they're done. Tala relaxes more, settles more in to her wolf self, and Bailey just sure enjoys a good kinky romp.

Sept had 3 comic pages, it just took me a few extra days to wrap up this one, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Hope you all like it as well, enjoy!

Comic so far:




Antoine Davis

Looks awesome, i also like how the background colors get bright and colorful as the panels keep going. Awesome job!


Damn you're flying through these! Good job!


Looking good as always ^^ Spotted a typo on the second panel though I think =o Bailey says I'ts instead of it's. Unless that's intentional? ^^;


God, I love how you draw tongues and oral sex.


Damn, this guys not gonna have any cum left when they’re done with him


Dialogue continues to be A+++


Hot damn Fluff you keep outdoing yourself I swear.

Chamomile Sheep

Tala sure went from shy girl to dirty-talker in an instant!