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Hey guys n gals, thanks for coming to the stream! I was kind of slow tonight; I opted to go hard on one image with some more alts and refinement to round it out for 8th of the month instead of try to cram in two and finish it all. I picked Krystal, requested by Kochab, of her modeling some lingerie!

August is home to a tradition my friend Yawg began 10 years ago; KrAM is Krystal Appreciation Month, jokingly started as a rebuttal to an internet troll, has become a decade-plus thing now and while I don't do something every year, I try to wiggle something in. I like drawing Krystal, and particularly the last image I did of her earlier this year; wanted to try and re-capture the style.

Thank you for the in-stream support as well, from Blobage!

Today is the last day of August; I'm obviously not going to get a whole comic page in a day, but instead I need to design VST's dragon bit, and maybe progress a few other doodles and prepare the next page's panels further.

Here's the WEB-res files for Aug's requests:




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