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Hey guys, so after the post about reworking the pinup (  https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-vote-system-37796025  ) and the responses and options, this new system will take into effect July, starting tomorrow! I've updated and made appropriate changes to the tiers based on this new system (and apparently Patreon made me re-classify every reward and adjust all this new weird detail on the tiers, so.. hopefully it's set up correctly.

I won't re-type that entire post, but in short:

The 'pinup' as it is, will be just one of several options that I will create a new poll of at the start of each month. Only $5+ patrons can vote on this initial poll to choose the category. The second poll will be for specifics, like which character or other stuff, and be for all Patrons, including $1 tier. These options will swap out basically as I see fit; there's no hard rules on this, but I'll try to avoid the  same options each time, and pick what I feel motivated to do, as it often gets done faster and better this way.

As for $10+ tiers, twice/month I will do a tier-exclusive stream. I avoided these in the past but honestly, after looking through the bonuses that other creators offer, and among those that don't add to my workload, it feels like one of the better options, and it won't replace my usual public weekly Sunday streams. These most likely will be Tue/Wed/or Thursdays.

$25 tier will also gain the bonus of, as a group, voting on a request-style picture each month. Who, what, setting, shots, etc. will be voted on by this tier alone! The finished result will be available to everyone, though. 

I think these are pretty solid, and hopefully most of you all will agree. Trying to find a balance to reward higher pledges without alienating everyone else is really hard. I know I can't please %100 of everyone, but I'll do my best to get a middle ground.

Thank you all for supporting me! I hope this new system will give everyone a wider variety of content to enjoy and use.



Hi Fluff! For the $10 exclusive stream, will the resulting artwork be available to all patrons?


Looks good! I'm excited to see how it plays out. :)


Yeah, whatever I work on will still be available to all. Whether or not the stream recording itself is, im not sure. I'll have to look at Picarto's settings.


how do you plan on doing exclusive streams?


I ask because picarto doesn't have any function to restrict viewership

Justice Taylor

So I have to upgrade to $10 from $5 to see future streams?


Does the 25$ tier guarantee a request for me every month? If I'm reading that correctly... :V


Best of luck with the new system, Fluff


I interpreted it as the $25 tier voting on a request-quality pinup.


"... and it won't replace my usual public weekly Sunday streams."


No, the tier as a group will decide on a picture to do, which will be available to everyone after


I don't think so. It means you'll be able to give input and along with the other $25 group patrons decide on the next artwork.