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After finishing a bit of ink work, I finished reading up all the comments and ideas, feedback, etc on the Request changes post. If you commented, I definitely read it! Thank you all for giving in your few cents.

Ultimately, the comments I got boiled down to one of three main attitudes:

1. Some folks just want to see me draw/don’t care what it is, as long as I enjoy it

2. Some are more motivated by the personalized feel of the requests, and attempted fairness to each patron

3. And the rest were largely wanting to see more story/OC/world ideas including but not limited to SFW content.

Obviously, these overlap at times and are a broad summary, but they helped me identify what I don’t like about the current system. Often when I open the request form, I try to prioritize people who have not gotten a request at all, as opposed to picking based on content first. I think this is partly what’s leading to my ‘never-ending’ feel, despite liking a lot of the resulting ideas and pictures.

What I’m trying to create is a simpler form, that lets me focus on picking ideas so that when I’m in the mood for a specific thing, I can go down the choice path and arrive at a request naturally. The form would start with something like this as Question 1:

Pick the answer that best describes your request:

I want to see Rule34 work and fan art.

I want more simple and/or fun art of your OCs.

I want to see more canon OC work, world building and character-driven sketches.

And following that, would be a question that helps that choice path by narrowing it down into categories that make sense, at least to me:

Pick the category that you think best fits:

This request is male-focused


An act, interaction or combination of the two

These questions would be the same regardless if ultimately the request is SFW or not, but in my mind, helps me pick as sometimes I’m in a mood for a particular style of character or subject, and waiting until the end to hear the full description, as it is now, of the request makes it more difficult. Minor additional questions may be like:

Name of Character-

Reliable reference link or source material title for me to Google-

Description of request-

(In the event of things like canon work where the content may be less known, since only I know a lot of it, or the purpose is to learn more, then that will have its’ own question or space format)

And so on... this isn’t a comprehensive list, but just an idea for more feedback. The form wouldn’t be any longer than it is now. The difference is in how it’s structured, and that it’s weighted more towards my own content and stories, since based on feedback, that’s what a lot of you are here for, whether it’s SFW or not, while still leaving room for fan art/R34 that we also enjoy.

It will still have an individual feel, but offer more substantial, lasting value artwork from me, hopefully to the pleasure of both of us. I will use lifetime pledges and time-since-last-request as a “best guesstimate” as to when I can try to accommodate or to use it as a tiebreaker, instead of a main deciding, governing factor.

So.. let me know what you all think of something like this. Nothing is set in stone or officially changed yet, this is just another round of change ideas. I’d like to hear it, or of anything about this that I might’ve missed! Mahalo for your patience!



Sounds good!

General Degeneracy

Diggin that idea for a new request form, seems to strike a good balance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It sounds very well thought out and balanced. I'll be the first to admit, I enjoy having that little bit of "personal" art from you (even if it's only once every 2-3 years) since you no longer take commissions. But, I also love seeing your world building and, of course, above all else, I'd much rather you enjoy what you're drawing, because then it will undoubtedly be good, whatever the subject is. Right off the bat, I can't think of any major (or minor, really) issues that I might have with this method. As I said, it seems well though out and well balanced, allowing you to focus more on what you're in the mood to draw as well as allowing your audience to keep their preferences within their requests. If this ends up being the new norm going forward, I hope it works out for you.


It's been a couple years since I've actually filled out the request form... I guess I'll just see where all this leads up to.


(Probably not the feedback your looking for) personally I came to your patreon to see world building comics you can’t find anywhere else and exclusively NSFW content. I do like your idea though and I seems more fair to everyone, instead of my mindset, that you should do everything I want.


Personally, I would rather see your stuff, not the R34. That's a very personal issue with me, and I get that it's a personal issue with me, so if you decide not to go this direction, you're not going to lose a sponsor.


I love your NSFW content, all your characters are well built up and having interesting backstories. I would like to see your go into a story arc with your main crew aka (Ara, Ayn, nitro, rane, etc) but still contain your NSFW art. I think an adult story drivin series would do nice, since u have a habit of flushing out your canon alot.


oh, yeah... does this mean all requests will need to resubmitted?


I like it. Seems like the intent is to help you more accurately and usefully sort through the desired content of the request, especially in a way that's easily sortable. Keeps the personal element when possible, but keeps the door open for generalizing it if you're not in the mood for the specifics of a single person's request. I do have a question about the form submission that's been nagging me for a while though. We all take the same link to this form and submit our shit, but what exactly is stopping someone from entering someone else's name and over-writing their request, or at least adding another under their name?


NGL I'm mostly here for the porn. Does this mean you'll be doing less NSFW stuff in the future?


These sound like really nice changes. I joined this patreon because I like your artwork foremost and I love your characters and universe as much as anything else. These sound like fair enough changes for both fans of the rule34 stuff and otherwise. I like the personalized feel of the requests so this is a nice middle ground for keeping that intact.

Antoine Davis

I think this is a good change, for yeah I'd like to see more canon work and storybuilding art. Also yeah, that's how i feel that art should have lasting value. This seems pretty balanced and fair so far, but if any issues happen, hopefully not, then they can be worked out. But yeah, this sounds pretty good so far, hope you and Rei are enjoying your vacation and see you later.

Nuwa Nightstone

Seems like it'll be a good change. Female Focused! More OCs! Warning warning warning! :U


*gives a big ol thumbs up* Do it, FK! :)


I would also like to support how you should build up the Queendom of Siania. I would really love for you to go deeper into the world Princess Ayn lives in. I mean you could still draw porn in your comics. I fully support your work all the way no matter what it is


This plan can work!!! The simplicity yet effectiveness to cover all bases will be a sure-fire way to improve request traffic.


More worldbuilding with nsfw elements sounds great

Omi and Lucas

This sounds like a great change! I share this Patreon with my partner, and we're both big fans of your work. We love the Rule 34 stuff that comes as a result of the request streams and pinup voting, but agree it would also be great to see more of your OCs, since we really love them. More focus to the comics would be lovely as well (We've been following Tala's journey for so long it feels like!). I think these changes sound really great also, since I've been confused for a long time on how requests get picked, but also this form feels much more simple.


I definitely like this idea! These options in the form will help you more accurately understand the wishes of the writer and choose the one that currently has inspiration and energy. It's great when something is moving along the path of progress, I hope to see this new form one day, and then I think I can finally send my first request to you) P.S. I Wish you all the best on your trip!)


The NSFW wouldn't cease or lessen, and i certainly want to push more comic stuff, exactly that. Don't worry, still on board for those things! Thank you for letting me know


I appreciate the interest in feed-back and will certainly comply when the survey comes out, but I also feel that you should consider the results as guidelines rather than rules and not let the results constrain your artistic impulses.

Deciem X

I'm just a little confused as to what makes an OC pic "simple and fun" vs. a canon OC work different. I think the initial question should just be "r34 or OC?", and then break down the options thereafter.

Deciem X

I get that you still want to offer rule 34 work. Those are probably the majority of the requests, and they are good for getting hits and for self-promotion. But tbh, I am your patron because I love your OCs and I love your comic work. I would be thrilled to see more story-based work, and the launch of your web comic storyline. The rule 34 work is fun, but I can find more art like that elsewhere; there is only one Fluff-Kevlar! That is truly what I am here for— to support you, Fluff, as an original artist and as a creator.


We got Mahalo'd. How long have you been on the islands now? "You can take that and shove it in your Mahalo can!"


As much as I like the r34 stuff and how you draw/represent characters it is your characters along with what you have done with them that makes you my favorite artist. If this means we get to see more art with your characters then I'm all for it :)


I agree with Silvador i love the idea of personal art from you despite the long wait (which can’t be helped you just have tons of devoted followers) kinda make us, or me, feel like a more personal way to give back to your patreons. That being said i do love the idea of the world your trying to build ,i know the struggle more then most, and would greatly love to see more of it! So maybe you could pick a weekend where you dont do requests and only do world building would help avoid request burn out maybe? Im just spit ballin


For the first question,it's really hard to pick,for me it's OK for all of those choice.For the second one,it's always better have both male and female interact together.