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Hey folks! Posting from good old Hawai’i!

While sitting at dealer’s table at the Comic Con Aloha I had some time to work more on the pinup and this request started Sunday, made by Londonderry, of Ayn in a form-tight suit similar to the Vikna one I did a while ago. For a number of reasons, such as: it’s not porn and therefore can work on it with people walking all around, it’s lore and sci-fi, and i just had fun with it, I spend more time and work on this than usual. I wanted it to be on par with Vikna’s picture, and it gave me some more practice with stuff that is NOT Kaltag/Katric.

There’s a lot of manufacturers in the Rishan Galaxy, and Gravitational Dynamics is one that specializes in flight accessories and equipment, and often contacted by a few sovereigns for it, including Siania. It only made sense for Ayn to model for it, as Vikna again would be a bit repetitive and out-of-place, as would Ayn in the same suit Vikna wore.

Enjoy! I had fun with it!

I’m still finding time here and there to draw, but also doing a lot of other stuff in Hawai’i. It’s not relaxing on the beach sipping drinks in a hammock, but that has never been my idea of a vacation anyhow. See you all again soon when I’ve got more to share! Thank you for the patience!




Having Ayn model a new flight suit seems decently in-character. I bet she'd even do it just for fun. ;D The gloves and tail mesh look especially cool. I'd love to see how the complete helmets work in a setting with such anatomical variety.


Yoooooo I love this


You're killing it with these armor designs! Love the "tactical" tiara :D


I really like that design of that flight suit!


This design is hands down incredible!!! I'd love to see more worldbuilding stuff in similar vein to this, super glad my request gave you the opportunity to do some design work!!

Antoine Davis

She looks amazing, awesome job, also really like the story/lore behind the suits in the sci-fi universe


Thanks! Yeah i thought about helmets too slightly, but.. for another time, Haha


You do such a good job designing clothes that it's almost a shame your characters spend so little time wearing them.


That’s a really cool design. I especially love the sleeve around her tail. Leave it to ayn to look sexy in just about anything she wears.


gotta say i dont like the way the tail looks


This is super sexy and has lots of cool details! I can totally see Ayn piloting a starfighter or a giant robot while wearing this.


why's her tail in a suit of its own?


Love seeing more lore for your characters. Incredible design.


Ayn <3


I love the suit design!