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Check your PM for the monthly ZIP files and link to the Predators comic pages! PM me if you're having any troubles.

Well here we have it! Vikna is up again for this month! The slavic, spunky blue kitten I'll have to think of a nice in-character setting like I did for ARA I think, show off her natural setting as I did with the red anthroid cat. She's a relaxed, confident, calm girl when in her habitat.

New additions/changes to the voting with explanations below. I hope they seem reasonable, and understandable! I try to be engaging and fair to everyone. I don't really want this to get insanely complicated, so I'm going to try and limit it here, simplify some rules, etc.


How voting works: (NEW and REVISED effective now![September])



-The roster keeps it's vote count from month to month.

-1$ Patreons get one(1) vote to spend on a character. 5$ get two(2), 10$ get three(3).

-$5 and $10 Patrons: Your votes can be on one character, or split up between a few.

-You can vote after it ends, but it will be counted next month.

-Fandom and Other OCs will be removed when won...

-...But FK OCs will go on a six(6)-month cooldown, after which they will be vote-able again.

-Three(3) strikes total removes them from the roster, but they can always be re-added later.


-(REVISED) "Open Slots" can be filled by $5+ Patreons simply suggesting a new one when votes open. (added: You have to spend at least one of your votes on this character when you suggest them. I can't just add a character with zero votes behind it. If I don't add it, I'll let you know so you can vote on something else and don't lose your votes.)

-(REVISED)If a character recieves zero(0) votes in a month, they will lose 2 votes, and recieve a strike (red/white 'X' box). (Change to "If a character recieves less than 2 people voting on them each month, they will get a strike. They won't lose votes, but they need at least 2 people, of any tier, and any number of votes, to keep them up there.

-(REMOVED) Each month they get new votes will remove one(1) strike.

(Exp: A strike simply indicates a lack of interest. If a character has truly been getting zero votes on some months, they deserve to be removed from the roster for the time being. As always, they can be suggested again later and perhaps with more interest that time around.)

-(NEW) I can turn down a character suggestion, but please don't take it personally! I will only do this when I -really- can't see myself enjoying the subject.

(Exp: If I can't think of a good image behind it because I don't feel the character, the result will be 'meh', and that affects not only me, but all the other hundreds of Patreons! I've enjoyed every pinup so far, and I don't want to slack on one because of this. You guys deserve my best work.)

-(NEW) If there is an open slot, and multiple people make a character suggestion, I will default to the patron with the highest lifetime Patreon support. The other suggestion will go on a waitlist.

(Exp: I think this offers a good incentive to long-standing supporters without completely disregarding the other. Starting now, I'll make that list and leave it underneath the "completed pinups" list below, and then when another slot opens up, the waitlist character will slide in, unless I decide otherwise for some reason. I can't list every single possibility down as a new rule, but hopefully this seems like a good idea.)

====(Completed Pinups)====


====(Waitlist Characters)====

-Ahri-Opera Kranz-

Let me know what you think or if you have any questions or comments! Want to make this an enjoyable, fun thing to do that everyone can get involved with.




I would like to propose zofie for one of the original character slots and put all my votes towards.


Zofie would be perfect! I will add her in when I put it up to vote on in October


Sun bear girl plz




I was a little worried about Zero Suit Fox getting struck out under the new rules, but it looks like they're getting votes from more than just me. Phew.


Voting for Zero Suit Fox, & Bear.


Darn, I was hoping the Ara pinup would come with a wallpaper for me to use too~ x3 Been using this as my wallpaper forever <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7822743/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7822743/</a> xD


I'll put down 2 votes for M'Ress and 1 for your OC Sun Bear


3 votes for Haku.


Ah, yeah! I went for a vertical layout with this one, maybe a wallpaper-like next!


3 for Vikna, please


2 for Fran! 1 for Mihari :)


Haha, nope! Quite a few often vote for her. an odd choice but hey, i'd have no qualms about it. XD


Don't worry, already counted your votes on the voting post! I assume the other votes here are from people who didn't vote in time for September.


Thanks, though I've already counted your vote for this month! This post is just for results.


Thanks, though I've already counted your vote for this month! This post is just for results.


Thanks, though I've already counted your vote for this month! This post is just for results.


Thanks, though I've already counted your vote for this month! This post is just for results.


Thanks, though I've already counted your vote for this month! This post is just for results.


Suggestion for the Vikna pinup: her ref sheets says she has cryokinetic powers, but I don't think we've ever seen exactly what she can do with that. Would it be possible for that to be worked into her pinup in any way? If so, it could be a *cool* way to show them off for the first time.


Yeah, not a bad idea really. I think that can work with the pose and setting i have in my head!


Heh, just realized I voted for a male character on accident.


2 for rane.