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Patreon Request Stream

First things first, a short smmary: I will pick a day each month to spend an evening drawing stuff you guys want to see, either in B+W or colour. But there are some facts:

There's no way I can take everyone's request, hundreds of people, one stream, just can't. I apologize if you aren't picked, so please don't expect to be!

No way I can pick a day that will be best for everyone, either. I'll change the day of the week each month to try and even it out, but it will mostly likely never be on Saturdays, have those evenings claimed for by other stuff.

The actual rules:

- This is probably going to disappoint a lot of people, but I won't be taking your OC requests for these streams. A number of reasons for this: people who miss the stream or not chosen will feel extra left out, I know I do when it happens to me. Doing everyone's OCs would take up an incredible amount of time. There's so much more that I can get done if it's characters I know or are familiar with than looking up folks' refs and going back and forth with them.

-As such, the kind of requests I'm taking are for popular fandom characters - game, anime, film characters, like what you would see in my pinups, or my own OCs if you really want to see them. Kind of like a "Hey, I liked how you did Lola, or Isabelle, etc. , draw them again!" or if you have a character that probably wouldn't get picked in the pinup voting, or keeps getting out-classed, this is a way to see them done at least in a sketch.

-Non-patrons can make a request too, but the first two picks will be patron-only. After that, can be anyone in chat. Will pick names with a wheel or hat.

-Colour will be added kind of as a "As I feel like it" basis. If I'm really happy with an image I may just add flat colours and such, but it probably won't be the case for everything, black n white will be the default style.

-There's no set number that I'm aiming for, Instead just doing as much as I can for approx 6 hours, give or take. If I have to cut it short, I'll continue with some more in a few days.

-A request can be denied. It's, a favour or courtesy, a thank-you for supporting me! But if I decline the request it's because I don't feel I can do it, won't enjoy it, it's too out of character, etc. i.e. i'm not going to draw ARA giving someone oral, but for-fun doodles are okay, like genderswap, personality changes, etc, other slightly OOC/non-canon stuff.

-Please don't complain about not being picked,or harass folks' or their ideas.

-Same person can't win more than once in a two month period, just because of the large amount of people.

-Have fun! It takes a lot for me to get irked so much that I'd get rid of it, but it's not impossible. Just relax and watch, enjoy whatever art crap shows up!

That's really it, I don't want to impose too many rules, just want to be clear. If you guys can think of other questions the rules need to answer, please, let me know! Comment or something.

This month's will be this Sunday, Aug 30th 6pm EST.


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