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Sometimes I'm a day or few late. Trying not to beat myself up over it. I'm quite happy with the results, and I hope you enjoy them as well! It is just as much a picture for you all as it was fun for me to do.

Firstly, I spent... an inordinate amount of time with the background. I really wanted to re-learn some things. Trees, rocks, grass... wood, water, atmospheric perspective. These are some of what I got really lost into during this painting. Secondly, with regards to Sally herself, I recalled enjoying Ahnassi's pinup and the ink/colour style with that, but I also know I keep tending to colour my images a bit on the light side of the value scale, and quite often I could benefit from some greater coverage, and a tree-overcast, sunny forest day is just what wouldn't escape my head when I settled on that for a setting with her.

The alts aren't particularly specific here; the usual top, bottom, etc with cum-drip. But I felt they lent themselves to a few open situations. In some alts it seems she's inviting, in some it's post-coitus, others like keeping a secret or getting away from it all. I mean it when I say that producing alts for more heavily-refined images is immensely time consuming! It's one reason I don't plan on going back to that route, the days of enormous variations. Even the ones here I'd almost say is too much, but at least I feel they're of quality, and affect her form, lighting, and environment to a seamless degree. They just took as much time as some whole other drawings.

There you have it! Sally with some special treatment. I plan on doing the 'barbie doll' edits as well, should be in the ZIP, but it's late(early?) for me atm, it's already Sept., and I want to post and share it as is for now. Thank you guys!




I've only seen the primary image, and she looks incredible. Good call on the coloring