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Page 23! Ended up actually taking longer than I thought it would thanks to some of the backgrounds and making clarity out of the flow and some imagery, but I like the result. Hopefully nothing's wrong or missing. Tala is having some issues here; I thought she was supposed to be passive and against hunting? Oh well, I'm sure this will all go just fine.

Link is valid til next month, here is the full comic thus far:


PS. Also to note; unrelated, but I've decided against doing an 'Inktober' type thing this year, if it wasn't apparent already. I weighed in on it the first few days and decided it'd be better to spend my time towards advancing the comic, and side pinups/projects that I already said I would do, and I don't like already falling short on so many smaller promises. 



Antoine Davis

Wow, this looks scary and awesome at the same time. Also its okay about Inktober, i understand that you have a lot to do, so its alright. Still, this page turned out great.


Someone's gonna get their bum bit. :3


Looks great. Did not expect this from the wolf girl ( I forgot her name I'm sorry!)


Someone's gonna get the nibble.


I like the aurora effect around the eyes


ya the aurora effect on her eyes was a rely neet idea!


yeah the eyes are diffidently cool.


Im pretty sure we are talking a diffrent kind of prey. I mean hours of sprinting for one specific type. Im guessing its not food. Or is it? :3c


Well-hung sheep dude incoming!

Not Telling

Those eyes. Actually kind of scary.


I love the huge turnaround this comic made. This is awesome!


Dam. You've really captured the instinctual/feral side of things with her. Is the aurora flowing from her eyes just visual effect or is there actually some form of energy showing from her eyes that is noticeable by others?


Sprinting for hours? .. erm... Ok.. honestly that seems ..way unrealistic in any setting.


Yeah I think sprinting was a bad word choice on my part. I meant just 'running' in general whereas I didn't think about that sprinting is too exhausting. I think it's more important to imply distance rather than time, so I've changed the dialogue to be more in-tune to distance.


Muuuuch better. Yeah that makes more sense. You CAN Run for hours at a time, but sprinting not so much. Now her catching a scent and tracking it that far? totally more believable. Keep on the good work.