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Let's do a reversal! The 25$ tier voted to do male portal panties, so this'll be fun! I feel like it boiled down to Twix, when I thought about it. He seemed the most into that stuff while remaining shy enough to be publicly risky.

Who will be on the other end?!! i don't know for certain, but male, female, I certainly have some ideas..I'm curious what you all might think! There's a few situations I can imagine this going, but i'll wait to see what's brought up! Just might help me refine some ideas.

This picture was done more along the lines of my old request sketches style, and I'm happy it went from start to done in like 2 drawing sessions. So i hope to keep that momentum up with this style.




Nice! This seems like it could be so much fun! I'm surprised it doesn't include the ability to offer your hole to people though.

Daki Suggester

Whew, 25$ tier has refined tastes.