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V 0.75 out now!

V 0.75 is out now and continues through day 5, ending where days 6/7 will take part and the end of the game. This update adds 2 more scenes and allows you to play as Paige for a little. Its a very short update, primarily due to time constraints from work.  With that being said I will be keeping the password the same for next month, so if you pledged this month you can also see next months content. I do this when I feel the update isn't up to par with what I would like to release, but I still want to get an update out. So enjoy a 2 for 1 special on Bondco haha.

When you start the day off (I started you guys off at the middle of the 5th day, if you want a day 1 game just download the link that doesn't say window/mac.) you can go to the room on the top right to get the passcode to use on the grandfather clock. The update is pretty straight forward. A lot will be changed before final release, and the area you play in will be revamped in the coming weeks!

And just a heads up, those in the $10 tier will get a copy of the adult version as once it done regardless of when you pledge! Also if you pledge $10 or more over the lifetime of the game development, or donated on another platform, just send me proof and I will also send you a copy (when the game is out of course).

Game Link:  https://broseidon-of-the-sea1.itch.io/residential-evil 

Password: Sausage1

Discord:  discord.gg/NVkN5XV 


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