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Whoo boy.
We've come a long way haven't we? I am continuously blown away by your support. You all are great, especially you, the person reading this. I could write out your name if I wanted, but it's really you. You personally are the best patron, and my best friend.

I owe you some stuff!

First and foremost, a thank you. Your support has always been incredible, but lately it has been above and beyond anything I could have hoped for. Lately my weird little hobby where I make fun of myself on YouTube has become more of a part time job.

Thought Slime is now a large chunk of my income, and as such I have started taking things much more seriously. In the upcoming few months I hope you'll see a noticeable leap forward in quality, and that's thanks to you all. Bless this mess.

Secondly! We've reached our $300 goal, and so I need to start making reaction vids to weird dumps on the Youtube.com

So I have a couple of questions on how you want me to proceed with that. Should I limit it to suggestions from the patreon community? Or do you want me to have a vote on twitter or something? In either case, what are some vids you really want me to respond to? What TYPE of video do you want to see me respond to?

Thirdly! I have fallen behind on my monthly livestreams. I plan to make up the deficit, but for most of July I had a terrible gum infection. If you're wondering why my She-Ra video was so late to the party, that's why. Also I barely have any idea what I'm doing with these streams anyway. I'm not able to play games, so would you prefer I just streamed and hung out, or should I find something else to do?

If you want me to just hang out, I can do that. Otherwise I can invite other youtube nerds to talk if they wanna. I dunno. Maybe I can make a jackbox game work? What even am I doing?

Hey! Thanks for everything. Get at me here or on twitter (@thoughtslime) if you have anything you wanna suggest, or any concerns going forward.

kiss kiss kiss hug hug hug



Would be cool to see you respond to some of the Tankie crap on Youtube


So my first thought was that only patrons should make suggestions. We pay the money, and everyone else still gets to see the video.


My second thought is that only patrons deciding seems capitalist and that maybe a Twitter poll is more democratic. So I guess that's what I support. Though for a suggestion; I don't think you've done a video about that shit Jordan Peterson. So maybe that?


I second the Jordan Peterson video feat. King Cuck.


I'd like to see a explanation of feminism and social justice being helpful to people of all genders and Paul Elam and the MRA types are hurting all genders, including men.

Joseph Horen

I think you should respond to Steven Pinker's "The Better Angels of our Nature". yeah, it's a 696 page book (36.5 hours on Audible) with 106 pages just listing the academic citations, and has lines like "There is a perennial invasion of barbarians who must somehow be civilized and turned in to contributors to the fulfillment of the various functions requisite to societal survival...But occasionally that process is literally swamped by a quantitative discontinuity in the number of persons involved". But Steven inadvertently makes the argument "Yo Anarchists, your heart's in the right place, but you're doing it wrong". I want to see how you respond.


I'm the ghoulie dicks youtuber. That sounds like a lot.

Joseph Horen

OMG this is SO true! MRA's think Toxic masculinity is how feminists insult men for being men. So they sarcastically say things like "what about toxic femininity?" And we're like "yeah, feminists discovered that first. Read Betty Friedan, it's called The Feminine Mystique. Feminists are not anti-man, they are anti-oppression. The Feminine Mystique is the cultural oppression of women, and since all oppression is the same Feminists realized that men suffer from the same oppression and called it Toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is not an insult, it's the legitimate shit you complain about. And you'd know this if you actually read feminist literature instead of just declaring them the enemy and fighting people who want to help you!"


I'd prefer Faith Goldie over Jordan Peterson tbh.

Joseph Horen

Well I don't want you to do J.P. because you don't want to do J.P. If your heart's not in it it'll suck. I suggest you watch some right wing BS and pick out like 5 that make you ranty. then put up a poll on Youtube and Twitter. do the winner.


I don't think that limiting suggestions to the Patreon community would be the best idea for your channel, because (this is just my opinion) it doesn't really reflect your general ideology about "how things should work". I don't think my opinion is any less valuable than the opinion of someone else who appreciates and enjoys your videos but doesn't (or perhaps can't) donate to your Patreon. Maybe you could ask for suggestions in either a short video on YouTube specifically meant for only that purpose, or ask for suggestions at the very end of a video you're currently working on, and see what people have to say in the comments. If you wanted to narrow down the options to just a few that seem to be the most popular among your overall viewers and then let the Patreon community help you decide which of those suggestions to actually use to make into a video, that may be a way to let everyone participate and still give the Patreon community the opportunity to feel a little more involved in the final decision. But that's just my personal opinion and some thoughts I had which may or may not be helpful. (The only reason I didn't include a Twitter poll as one of my suggestions/ideas is because I don't have a Twitter account, but that doesn't mean a Twitter poll would be a bad tool to use in the decision making process.)

Que Eres

Libertarians, "skeptics", and other assorted centrist dingbat.

Marcia Everett

yes let people pay more to see you do silly stuff like dance in your underwear. Maybe you can even be slimed if Nickelodeon won't sue you.