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This is a video from the YouTuber Thought Slime, about the Modern Day Knight Project, a cult-like training program which makes men into menner men. Ever see a guy and think "Hey could stand to be guyer?" Well this is the thing for that, it seems.

Or is it? Because probably it's just some extremely weird dudes scamming vulnerable guys with some right-wing culture war bullshit. That's probably more likely actually. Now that I say it out loud, it seems like it's more likely to be that thing.


The Modern Day Knight Project seems like a grift to me, dog.

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I’m not sure those are actually fasces in the logo? They COULD be, that is where you can put a fasces and it’s bound like one, but to me they look a lot more like leather axehandle collars, since it looks like each handle is one stick


I'm glad to see you back Mildo, the video is fun

Anarch Ion

18000$?! Can I volunteer somewhere to beat up MRAs and fascists for that sum? (with their consent, obviously, with their consent, ...)


So…it’s just Capitalism fight club?