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It turns out the evil Assistant Mayor Bellwether was also developing another mind-altering drug! But instead of turning predator animals savage, this one brings out the basest instincts in the subject, reducing them to touch-starved, obedient little sluts! And it looks like Officer Judy Hopps learned too much and has made herself the first test subject! I'm sure Bellwhether will think of lots of new uses for her little pet >;)

This was September's damsel of the month, thanks to your votes in the poll! Judy Hopps sure was a challenge--especially since she's the level of furry where it starts to get a bit tricky to make them sexy (verging towards stage #4, as seen below)

Hopefully I managed to pull it off, though! What do you guys think? And don't worry, non-furry fans--I'll be sure to keep anthro characters to a minimum... though I maaaay try to draw one of my favourite furry characters somewhere down the line. We'll see!



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