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Lilymon finds herself as the latest addition in the garden of a rare flower collector! Such a pretty rose should be attentively cared for, and watered frequently!

Does anyone else have any interest in characters from Digimon (particularly the first 2 iterations, both the human and Digimon characters)? The early show was probably hugely responsible for awakening my obsession with bondage, since the characters often got bound (and sometimes gagged)! Lilymon was definitely a favourite of mine when I was really young >///< 

I will be drawing at least one more Digimon-related kinky thing, but if there's any interest, I may do more, haha. Anyway, hope you like my smutty take on Lilymon even if you're not familiar with her! She sorta looks like Mina Ashido from My Hero Academia... might explain why I like Mina, too :P



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