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As Goddess Miko woke up this morning, faithfully feeling the tounges of Brandish and Dimaria lapping away at the like she ordered them last night, the Goddess of the sun felt like she expirienced enough worship from the mortals of this world. SHe resided in Alvarez palace now for a few month already and in that time she reduced the former Emperor Zeref into an obidient dog now always crawling arround her on the ground happily shaking his ass like he would posses a tail. She used Branish to break the first rebelious Dimaria in no time. Letting the green haired girl whipping and torturing her former best friend everytime only the spark of disobnidience was visible in Dimarias eyes. The mighty Irene the most beautfifull and powerfull of the Spriggan 12 was just a now know as the Sow slut in hole Alvarez. Miko often found it amusing letting the red haiered beauty start acting like an actuall pig at the snap of her fingers on the streets. Naked and swinging her bride ass and breasts arround Irene would swual and snor while Miko couldnt stop her laughter when she saw the confused looks of the citiziens in which often either arrousal or disgust would mix in seeing how much the strongest Wizard of Alvarez reduced to become. And so the Goddess Had one final worship of her Alvarez harem in the beath before the next adventure of her conquest for domiantion would begin.



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