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So I tasked out a RV session for BYTECOIN. Here's what Dick came back with. ARV target being issued next. 


(No title)



Interesting stuff, this may say a lot about privacy tokens/coins and legislation. Sounds like the board had a choice about direction related to legislation and it's outcome which would effect a privacy coin. They could still exist on a bigger level but maybe they would have to sacrifice something? maybe the coin would stay private but all transactions could be transparent to a central body? From a technical stand point byte coin, to my knowledge, is the most private of them all.


Thanks Dick. Very interesting 👍


Dick predicted an exchange hack. I'm sure everyone would like to know which. Can we get more resolution on that please?


Ed, can you pls let us know how you defined the target?


We believe you, we believe…! Actually, this sounds like a tough job.


Ed Riordan, a very good remote viewer just posted his remote viewing of “-The Q sessions. The hand behind the hand.” I urge everyone to check this out. I believe it connects what Clif has been saying about Antarctica and yet to be released technologies with what is going on now. Riordan is very good at RV and surprisingly has only 4K subscribers to his channel.


I have never heard of this one till I came to Crypto-Viewing. I've been trading with that for the last 6-weeks and got a 50% gain which was useful for paying some Bills. I bought the Aug16 low and sold Sept-1. My Analysis says that it is going to Peak at the end of this Month as well, so it's volatile in good way even in a Bear Market. I bought at the low during the middle of this week. Let's see how much it gains until the End of the Month at which time I will sell.


Yes I just watched it. Actually I connected it with what Corey Goode has been saying about how the SSP Alliance and the Cabal are negotiating disclosure of all the advanced technology, ETS, crimes against humanity, etc. I've been following Ed for a while because if you search "remote viewing" on Google it's hard to miss him. I was surprised with they announced they were adding him to the Crypto Viewing team. Cool!


Very interesting, I didn’t catch price prediction only upswing trend on chart.


Thank you Dick :)


That was great!!


Amazing Dick


It is interesting that Dick see's Chinese people behind Bytecoin, it correlates well with some investigative work. that tried to determine who the obscure and hidden team is behind this crypto:<br><a href="https://thecryptopapers.com/2017/07/12/bytecoin-and-the-pacific_skyline-ghost/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thecryptopapers.com/2017/07/12/bytecoin-and-the-pacific_skyline-ghost/</a><br><a href="https://thecryptopapers.com/2017/06/01/bytecoin-who-is-joseph-lin-aka-neocortex/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thecryptopapers.com/2017/06/01/bytecoin-who-is-joseph-lin-aka-neocortex/</a> <br><a href="https://thecryptopapers.com/2017/06/27/bytecoin-team-the-seigen-file/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thecryptopapers.com/2017/06/27/bytecoin-team-the-seigen-file/</a> <br> .... also worth noting some deception behind Bytecoin, they appear to have PRE-MINED 80% of the tokens before announcing its existence to the public at its so called "inception". Monero, which appears to have an open and transparent team behind it, had its roots / origins evolve from Bytecoin.


Can someone post a summary?


This Bytecoin image has all the small lines all around it, just as Dick saw. <a href="https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forexnewsnow.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F08%2Fbytecoin.jpg&amp;imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forexnewsnow.com%2Fforex-analysis%2Fcryptocurrency%2Fbytecoin-analysis-trendline-getting-closer%2F&amp;docid=8CEkPoqDxOSbeM&amp;tbnid=Gbg6n6unjqgHKM%3A&amp;vet=10ahUKEwiyweawr8TdAhVHIsAKHWaMCEQQMwhEKAYwBg..i&amp;w=400&amp;h=400&amp;bih=730&amp;biw=1600&amp;q=bytecoin&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiyweawr8TdAhVHIsAKHWaMCEQQMwhEKAYwBg&amp;iact=mrc&amp;uact=8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forexnewsnow.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F08%2Fbytecoin.jpg&amp;imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forexnewsnow.com%2Fforex-analysis%2Fcryptocurrency%2Fbytecoin-analysis-trendline-getting-closer%2F&amp;docid=8CEkPoqDxOSbeM&amp;tbnid=Gbg6n6unjqgHKM%3A&amp;vet=10ahUKEwiyweawr8TdAhVHIsAKHWaMCEQQMwhEKAYwBg..i&amp;w=400&amp;h=400&amp;bih=730&amp;biw=1600&amp;q=bytecoin&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiyweawr8TdAhVHIsAKHWaMCEQQMwhEKAYwBg&amp;iact=mrc&amp;uact=8</a>


Monero !! all the rest is parking ! Monero has unique code &amp; is most used ALTCoin !


Good Job, well done, thank you Dick!


Thank you Dick. I never knew about the Warcollier effect. I always learn a lot from your knoledge.


Dick never sceces to amaze on his RV work. Wow.!!! All from a target ID number.!!


Binance delisted ByteCoin three days ago 9th oct 2018 due to “comprehensive and periodic reviews”. Only just noticed it. It lost 22% on the 9th.