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Here in Maine the days are getting shorter, and the time of Yule draws closer. We have had our first snow, and Krampus has come and gone. This is the perfect time to dig into Al Ridenour's book on the "old, dark Christmas".

My wife and I recently welcomed this beautiful pump organ into our home. It dates back to 1888 and makes quite an impression. Learning to play it will be added to my 2024 list.

I have been late on correspondence these past couple weeks (and on getting a few backorders out) as I just finished principal photography on a short film this past weekend. I am a co-host on Perfect Organism, the Alien Saga Podcast, and this year I stepped up to write and direct this year's short. I built the set too, and made the props and the costumes... It was a lot of fun, but a huge undertaking as well. So I apologize to anyone who hasn't heard back from me, I will absolutely answer your emails this week!





That organ (Cthulhu idol included) looks lovely! The set is pretty darn good lookin', too. Also, I recently resubbed to the Patreon after my move, and I just wanted to mention I paypal'd money for the leaves I've missed the last few months.


That's some set! I was saying "Where are you??" Private sub, personal space vehicle?"